
Boss, do the accounting! Creating an accounting system for self-employed people to survive

7 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Self-employment hell where 9 out of 10 people are ruined,

I survived with an accounting system.

Having never done business, I opened a shop at Jonggak Station, which is considered one of the most popular commercial areas in Seoul. It was in the vicinity All 12 stores, including famous franchises and stores directly managed by large companies, have closed, but my store has survived.

The STAR*S store, which is half the size of the largest soccer field in the country, has entered the upper floor, but it is growing by generating twice as much sales as when it opened, and breaking the average daily highest sales!

What is the secret to surviving the self-employed hell of 9 out of 10 people being ruined? immediately accounting systemIt was. And, this isn't just about offline businesses.

Like knowing exactly the condition of my body through a health checkup

With accounting data, you can accurately understand the actual state of the business.

At first, we continued to run a deficit. Among them, all I did was create an accounting system. Being able to accurately grasp the actual state of the store in numbers This is because accounting data was required.

We accurately diagnosed the store with accounting data, identified the problem, and improved the problem. At the same time, I developed and implemented a strategy to increase profits, and I survived. Now I'm dreaming of growth beyond survival. Currently, I have two businesses: a yogurt shop and an education business.

More than how much you earn, how much you leave behind is the core of the business!

You must stay behind to survive!

Many bosses only look at the payment amount to determine the status of the business. However, the revenue only tells us the total sales including VAT. The boss doesn't tell me how much he spent to generate sales, and how much money is left after subtracting expenses.

It's a big mistake to think that business is going well because sales have increased. How much you leave is the core of business rather than how much you earnIt's. Therefore, we need accounting information that accurately informs us about the actual state of the business.

By creating an accounting system, accounting information can be extracted in real time, and management decisions can be made quickly and effectively using accounting data. This is also why large companies invest tens to tens of billions of dollars in building accounting systems.

Class 101 understands and analyzes accounting data <How to create an accounting system>I would like to let you know. We are confident that it will increase the viability of your business by creating solid profits and healthy cash flow for you!

Boss, do the accounting!

📍 This class First time through class 101This is an online course conducted by.

📍 Practice of creating an accounting system that can be learned without knowing accounting at allThis is the first basic accounting class based on!

  • You can learn basic accounting concepts essential for business.
  • You can calculate estimated profit and loss and initial investment costs before starting a business.
  • You can create an accounting system that shows profit and loss and cash flow in real time.
  • Like a CEO, you can use accounting data and figures to make management decisions.
  • You can manage cash flow without money leaking.
  • Growth strategies can be developed with BSC and accounting PDCA, which is a balance indicator.
  • You can learn the secrets of paying taxes and saving taxes.
  • You can learn how to raise funds wisely for growth.

It operates 2 businesses,

It covers business accounting skills that have been experienced and learned firsthand.

I am Shinsegae, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Kakao, etc. I am an artist who lectures on accounting at companies and writes an introduction to accounting. Recently, at a special cider lecture at Baemin Academy, I shared my know-how of surviving while running a store with many bosses.

The two books I've written <I'm an accountant> and <Because I'm a little weak in numbers> are all bestsellers.

I have been doing business in an intense commercial area for a long time, and at the same time I can help my boss make accounting easy and fun based on the experience I have learned while running an education business.

People like this must listen!

  • A boss who doesn't know the money management concepts essential for running a business
  • Sales have increased, but the bank balance is... The boss who doesn't know where the money is leaking
  • A boss who wants to create his own accounting system for survival
  • A boss who wants to know the secret of profit and loss management that no one can teach you

📝 You don't have to know accounting at all. You can do the accounting with me.

It's not just a lecture where people pretend to be smug about what is written in basic accounting books or difficult accounting terms. It covers basic accounting knowledge essential for business and business accounting skills that have been experienced and applied firsthand.

I have given accounting lectures at many companies and institutions so that many people can do accounting, and I learned firsthand from running 2 businesses for nearly 3 years Practical accounting courses for bossesIt's.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

📧 Pro Yoon Jung-yong will help you with 1:1 coaching! (2 times)

  • We will give you an accounting system sheet (Excel or number) and give you an assignment to fill out a one-month settlement sheet. If you complete this assignment and share the sheet, we'll share your feedback on the accounting system. If there are thousands of businesses, there are thousands of accounting systems. I will show you the know-how so that you can create an accounting system that is perfect for your business, just as you wear clothes that are perfect for you.
  • If you have any questions while running an additional business, I will do my best to answer them to the best of my knowledge.
  • We will write an answer of around 250 characters per question and send it to you within 1 week.
  • You can ask 2 questions per session.

Class Curriculum1

Boss, do the accounting! Creating an accounting system for the self-employed to survive

Class details

Course started on March 19, 2020
Rookie Difficulty · Video 34 · Attached file 18
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles


JY's Accounting

JY's Accounting

I learned accounting by putting my head on the ground in the finance team I was assigned without even knowing the meaning of accounting. Thanks to those difficult years, I was able to transform from “accounting abandoner” to “accounting virtue.”

Based on my difficult accounting experience, I wrote <Because I'm a little weak in numbers>, <> I'm a little weak in numbers>, and the two books became bestsellers in the fields of economic management and self-development, respectively.

How do you do business without knowing accounting?

This is Kazuo Inamori, who is called the god of management. If you know accounting, the viability of the store will increase.

I can't make a big hit store. But don't envy franchises, even if it's a small store How to operate well with accountingI know.

The boss's How to create an accounting system that increases the viability of a businesset fiscal Using data I can share my know-how in class 101.

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