
A way to raise salary and satisfaction together, and a career designed with “strengths”

8 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Have you ever seen someone who is good at toxic work?

“Wow, he's really good at his job.”

“How much will that person earn?”

Now I'm here to help people look at you and think that way.

 나도 일잘러가 될 수 있을까?

나도 일잘러가 될 수 있을까? 2

▶ ︎ Can I get a job too?

It starts with finding your strengths.

Finding differences can easily guide you on the path to success.

Able to understand my strengths, such as diplomacy, promotion, coordination, evaluation, creation, and exploration

As a strength diagnosis report Make sure the job is a good fit.

감점기반 일잘러 프로젝트

 감점기반 일잘러 프로젝트 2

▶ ︎ Job cutting project based on negative points

Companies are also looking for people who know their “strengths.”

Why do we ask you to write down your strengths in the letter of appeal?

Why don't you ask first what you can do well in the promotion screening?

This is because knowing an individual's mission and vision is critical to work competency.

▶ ︎ Strengths development know-how

Change the starting point of career design to “me.”

Identify my strengths and weaknesses and see if I'm a good fit for what I'm doing

We will examine what competencies should be developed in the future.

We'll also show you what to do if it doesn't fit.

 개인별 강점 리포트

▶ ︎ Individual strengths report

직무 적합도 ▶ ︎ Job suitability

Practical competency is only a temporary solution.

I need to define who I am and why I should work.

When designing a career, do you approach it in the following order?

Environment - Work - Competence - Reason - Identity

From this perspective, no matter how much I accomplish, my motivation is not clear.

I suggest how to design a career based on my strengths.

커리어 설계

▶ ︎ Career design

I currently work as a talent advisor for large companies and startups.

From the perspective of corporate talent management, how to turn strengths into results,

I will give you the know-how to raise my salary and be satisfied with my job.

Prove your abilities in action by following the core habits of successful people.

 일에 만족할 수 있는 노하우를 알려 드립니다.

 일에 만족할 수 있는 노하우를 알려 드립니다.2

Practical skills recognized by peers

  • Goal management: Outstanding people achieve goals
  • Time management: Time management techniques that repeatedly create results
  • Relationship Management: How to Win People's Hearts

Skills recognized by the company (salary increase, turnover)

  • Salary negotiations told by HR managers
  • Raising Salaries Through Job Turnover and Career Expansion
  • Interview skills taught when training interviewers

'일잘러' 들에게는 그들만 특별한 실무 스킬들이 존재합

▶ ︎ “Job slayers” have unique practical skills.

실무 노하우 패키지

▶ ︎ Practical know-how package

It's not just a class for packing yourself well.

We help you develop your unique abilities and differences from the ground up.

A way to increase satisfaction and raise salaries as well.

I start by looking for my strengths.

행복하게 일하는 방법

▶ ︎ How to work happily

이 클래스를 꼭 들어야하는 사람

▶ ︎ People who must take this class

Course reviews

수강 후기

저는 모든 사람이 자신만의 탁월성을 가지고 만족스러운 삶을 살 수 있다고 믿습니다.

▶ ︎ I believe everyone can have their own excellence and live a satisfying life.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

❗️ Kit sales have been temporarily suspended as of June 1.

🎁 Strengths Assessment Report

  • The Tanigament Strength Assessment Report is a “Nadaum User Guide” that helps you explore and understand yourself in depth
  • Prepare for a career through collaborative research with a global HR consulting firm that has studied strengths for over 30 years, and scientific strength diagnosis tools used in actual recruitment of large domestic companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, and startups.
  • We will tell you what talents (talents) can be developed from the strengths of a team or organization rather than just “what type”. We will also provide a detailed diagnosis of attitudes that can reinforce or neutralize strengths.

🎁 Strengths diary (optional)

The only special note to prepare for everything from strengths to career development

  • Using the strengths diary, you can easily follow the activities you are doing while listening to the class.
  • From strengths to careers, create your own career notes.
  • Our strengths diary will help you not forget your talents and strengths every day. Naturally, learn time-management habits that help you achieve your goals more effectively.

🎁 Strengths card (optional)

Easily talk about your talents with others

  • Using the Talent Search Card, you can talk about talents easily and in a fun way with your friends.
  • In particular, take time to explore the talents of family and close friends, understand each other's talents, and build teamwork.
  • You can use your Top 6 talent cards to check whether you're making good use of your talents and find ways to make good use of your talents.

📩 The package is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.

📧 Get 1:1 coaching from professional Kim Bong-joon! (2 times)

  • We will let you know any questions you may have about the course of the class or what you would like to know in more depth.
  • We will inform you about any questions or interpretations about the strength results of the strength diagnosis.
  • We'll give you advice on how to use your strengths to prepare for your career.
  • We will give you advice on issues you are struggling with while preparing for a job or a new job. We will give you an objective opinion on whether your talents or strengths are appropriate for what you want to do or what you are doing.
  • We don't give subjective opinions about jobs or specific companies.
  • You can ask 2 questions per coaching ticket For each question, we will write an answer of around 250 characters and send it to you.
  • Coaching is answered sequentially on the Tuesday or Thursday of the loan, based on the date the question was received. This may take at least 7 days.





To reclaim myself in an age of loss of 'Nadaum'

98% 30% 10%

I faced these numbers during the most spectacular time in my life. It was a time when I was working satisfactorily while being recognized in my own way at a stable company. However, these numbers made me feel so uncomfortable, and eventually, because of these, I gave up my stable life and company and started a new challenge.

98% - Percentage of civil service applicants who have to experience the bitterness of being eliminated. This figure is higher than Harvard University's failure rate (95.5%).

30% - The rate at which new employees leave the company within a year. There is also a statistic that it is close to 50% depending on the research agency.

10% - Percentage of people at work who are satisfied and engaged with their work. Conversely, it means that 90% of people live without being satisfied with their work.

While meeting many students and office workers who have very similar concerns and helping them with career coaching, I have studied the important commonalities of people who feel satisfaction, happiness, and success in life.

It's “Nadaum”It was. Happiness and success can be achieved when you have an accurate understanding of yourself and focus on talents that you can do well.

We have developed a strength diagnosis that can bring happiness and success to an individual's life based on the experience of carrying out recruitment and human resource development work in the HR team of a large domestic company and human resources development team, and the experience of working on global companies and projects that have studied individual strengths for more than 30 years. In addition, based on a strength diagnosis, we will share the know-how that has helped many students and office workers with their careers.

I sincerely hope that you will have a precious time preparing for a career with new discoveries about yourself and a satisfying and excellent 'job career'.









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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801