
[Renewal 2023] Hank's Life-changing Investment Knowhows on How to Become Rich

10 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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🔥 Top creator in the real estate field chosen by more than 5,500 CLASS101 students!

Chief Song's class was updated on April 18, 2023! 🔥


When real estate declines and adjusts, auctions are burning!

I will share with you Mr. Song's insight for 2023.

  1. How to become rich as an ordinary office worker
  2. Auctions are the best way to set a return on capital
  3. Complete technology to increase return on capital

Do you think it's someone else's job to make rent revenue of 3 million won?

An ordinary burin in his 30s makes 1 million won in rent

I usually take the first step to becoming rich without work 3 million won per monthI'm talking about setting it so that it can come in. If we receive a fixed income of about 3 million won per month in addition to our salary, first of all, we can relax our mind, and that kind of relaxation of mind makes us enter the path of wealth. It's a life changing thing.

Monthly rent of 3 million wonReceiving
Do you think this is only possible for people with special abilities?

Absolutely not. Me too, used to be extremely commonerAnd even at this moment, many people around me continue to get rich in rent. All of these are extremely common in the surrounding area An ordinary full-time housewife or a salaried office workerIt is.

The story of real ordinary people who learned how to get rich!

How are you? Do you think it's just someone else's story or a lie?

These are all actual examples, and all of the people introduced above The person who became rich within 3 years after learning how to get rich from meIt's a field. This is just a few examples of the many rich people who have been born so far.

If you're wondering if it's true, YouTube <Hank TV> Channel and Naver Cafe <HAPPY FINANCY TECHThe actual stories of my various disciples have been revealed on >, so you can check them out.

Like this How to get richAnyone who knows Change your normal life and get richIt could be.


A mentor for rich people in Korea who have created many rich people,

I'm Song Hee-chang, the director of Song.

I am currently 240,000He is the representative of “Happy Finance Tech” cafe, which has more than this number of members, and manages various businesses successful businessmanAnd they are investing in real estate Practice investorsIt is. Also, all 4 real estate books I've written so far An author who became a bestsellerIt's also.

I only own the building I currently own monthly Rent equal to or greater than the salary of the manager of a large companyI am receiving it. If these buildings are sold later, there will also be a huge sell-off.

In addition to this, all of my own businesses (publishing house, swimming pool, gossitel, reading room, indoor soccer field, etc.) have achieved the best results in this field until now, and now they are even more successful. Of course, the business income from this is separate from rent.

Was I able to achieve all of this because I was special?

Absolutely not. Now I'm living the life of a very rich person by investing in real estate and managing various businesses like this, but in the past, I was Shabby and poorI did it.

After graduating from a local university and not being able to get a job, penniless nightclubSo-called from Third-class bandI worked for 4 and a half years, and during that period I went to work at 6 o'clock every evening without a day off in a year and left work at 4 a.m. the next day.

After work, when other colleagues go out to play, I save money for my dream Studying to get richI worked hard at it, and I didn't let go of the book even when I was relaxing in the nightclub waiting room. I really wanted to become rich.

For me Clear dreams and goalsBecause of that, I was able to get through that period unwaveringly while riding a used Tico worth 2.3 million won.

From nightclub Albacin to becoming a multi-billionaire

To become rich in a capitalist society Investment is essentialIt is. This is because you can never surpass the limits of mediocrity without investing.

Saving money is important, but proceedsIncreasing it is a more important and wise choice. Thus, we richTo become targetsYou have to set up and study.

I want to invest, but I don't have a lot of money.

It's a phrase I've often heard from people who are starting to study investing. However, if you study investing, this is nothing more than an excuse. Investment is Small amountIt's also quite possible, because it's definitely not something you do by luck. While making an effort prowessBy growing it, you can turn things you thought were impossible into reality.

The road map to becoming rich by investing in real estate is really simple. What you can get every month cash flowYou can draw a road map by focusing on one thing. Learn how to increase profits through customized real estate investments according to your own financial conditions!

Song Sang-jang's life lecture

Get it at the cheapest price!

I grew up really poor when I was a kid. There wasn't even enough food to eat, so there was nothing else to say. I wanted to be richer than anyone else for the rest of my life. But I didn't know how to get rich.

I didn't like that kind of life on wheels, so I was desperate to learn how to get rich and how to get rich. As a result of doing it myself, The life of a rich man is hard workIt was something I could create by doing it.

When I became rich later, I vowed to help people with these problems like me. So through this opportunityLife lessons that are the most cornerstone of becoming richI was able to proceed.

A course worth several million won that is not easily held even once a year offline First and lastI would like to offer it at the lowest price. So it's the most familiar course to listen to, but the content will be composed of the best lectures.

Even if you don't know anything about real estate, even if you don't have a capital of 1 million won right now, if you take the course first, your thoughts and vision will change. I'll tell you a real story about how your bank account balance can change your life.

The process of becoming rich is actually very simple.

  • Step 1: Collect seed money
  • Step 2: Complete your studies
  • Step 3: Boosting assets through investment and business

You just need to understand the above 3 rules and study accordingly. In this way, even ordinary people can easily live the lives of rich people.

Are you still unbelievable about getting rich by investing in real estate, or do you think of it as a story from a distant country that has nothing to do with me?

Up until now, so many ordinary people have changed their lives.

What I'm telling you How to get richIf you learn it, the first step to becoming rich, making 3 million won per month, will be a very common thing. I hope you will be the protagonist now.

I really want you to be rich.

I always emphasize it to people.

“Success comes from differences in thinking, and people live their lives as they have drawn.”Silence.

In fact, it is. Because I have completed the life I had imagined at the time. Not only me, but many of my disciples are living the lives of rich people now in their normal lives, and rich people are continuing to be born even at this moment.

In addition to my experience of accumulating wealth and becoming rich, I learned more clearly how to become rich by watching many people around me who become rich over a long period of time, and now I want to share that know-how with more people through Class 101.

I look forward to seeing many rich people born in class 101.

📍 Frequently asked questions

Q: Is it possible to invest in real estate when I have little seed money?

A : If you look at the success stories of the students, office workers who started with 25 million won in seed money and those who started with around 20 million won in their 20s also became rich. I'll show you how to make a stable rent while being effectively paid even with a small amount of seed money.

Q: I'm an office worker and I don't have enough time, can I invest in real estate?

A : There are not many full-time investors among those who are currently achieving results. Most are office workers or full-time housewives. Like most people, even if you don't put in a lot of time, you can produce good results if you make good use of your weekends and leisure time.

Q: I have a lot of doubts. Are there really many rich people? How can I check it?

A : You can read members' experiences at Happiness Financial Cafe, which I run, and check out my blog <How to Get Rich in 3 Years> by members who have directly invested in my blog <How to Get Rich in 3 Years>. During the 13 years of running the cafe, many rich people were born. In fact, not only rich people but also many professionals have been produced. There are more than 24 of my students who have published books based on their own successful examples, and there are many who work as lecturers in the field.

About the history of Chief Song

  • CEO of Naver Café [Happiness Financial Tech] with 240,000 members
  • YouTube <hank tv> Channel operation
  • Naver Blog <How to get rich within 3 years> Operation
  • CEO of KALITZ Co., Ltd.
  • Represented by book publishing wisdom
  • CEO of “Hank Edu”, the number one online real estate site
  • Bestselling author of 5 books on economics and management
  • Swimming pool, soccer field, premium reading room, premium gositel, CEO of Soho Office
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퀄리티를 높일 수 있는

추가 구성품을 소개합니다.

1. [도서] 엑시트 EXIT

[도서 소개]

제대로 된 길을 알면 누구나 평범한 삶에서 엑시트(EXIT) 할 수 있다!

수많은 부자를 만들어낸 부자들의 스승, 그의 모든 노하우를 공개한다.

평범한 삶을 벗어나 부자의 길로 엑시트(EXIT)하라!

당신을 부자의 길로 들어서게 해줄 자본주의 사용 설명서

누구나 꿈을 갖고 있지만, 대부분은 이루지 못하고 꿈으로만 간직한 채 살아간다. 이것이 자신의 정해진 운명이라 믿고 현실을 탓하며 오늘도 평범한 인생에서 벗어나지 못하는 사람들을 위한 책!

[상세 설명]

  • 출간일 : 2020년 11월 23일
  • 쪽수 : 352쪽
  • 무게 : 434g
  • 크기 : 136*203*30mm
  • ISBN : 9791187799146


1장. 생각을 바꿔야 인생이 바뀐다

[생각부터 바꿔라]

  • 그래서 당신의 인생이 바뀌었는가
  • 만약 당신의 꿈이 경제적 자유라면
  • 부자가 되고 싶다면 생각부터 바꿔야 한다
  • 현재 직업은 전혀 중요하지 않다
  • 자신을 가두는 생각의 틀을 깨라

[누구나 부자가 될 수 있다]

  • 사람은 자신이 그린 대로 삶을 살게 된다
  • 성공하는 방법은 이미 세상에 나와 있다

[부자들의 성공방정식]

  • 멘탈만 바로 세우면 성공은 수월하다
  • 절약하는 삶으로는 부자가 될 수 없다

2장 부자처럼 생각하고 행동하라

[부자의 삶을 배워라]

  • 부자의 삶을 동경하라
  • 평생 욜로(YOLO)의 삶을 사는 법
  • 돈이 돈을 버는 시스템을 만들어라

[부자가 되기 위한 기초과정]

  • 부자가 되기 위한 시간을 만들어라
  • 부자되는 공부법은 따로 있다
  • 첫 투자보다 공부의 완성이 먼저다

[진짜 부자가 되기 위해 알아야 할 것들]

  • 레버리지를 이해하면 더 빨리 부자가 된다
  • 부자의 시각으로 전환하라
  • 성공한 사람을 곁에 두어라

3장 3년 안에 부자되기

[부자가 되는 시간, 3년]

  • 3년은 위대한 결과를 이뤄내기에 충분한 시간이다
  • 종잣돈이 부족한 사람도 돈을 벌 수 있다
  • 부자가 되는 투자법은 따로 있다
  • 중도에 포기하지 않고 완주하는 법

[EXIT를 위한 필수 관문, 투자]

  • 원금보장이 가능하고 수익을 낼 수 있는 투자
  • 가난한 사람은 돈의 노예가 되지만, 부자는 돈의 주인이 된다
  • 부자의 부동산을 모아야 한다
  • 대중과 반대편에 서야 한다

4장 사업으로 10배 빨리 부자되기

[더욱 빠르게 EXIT를 할 수 있는, 사업]

  • 사업으로 부자되기
  • 부자의 셈을 익혀라
  • 기술자가 아닌 기획자가 되어라
  • 출근하지 않아도 되는 사업이어야 한다
  • 유행타지 않는 사업 아이템을 택하라
  • 어려운 것을 택해야 게임이 쉬워진다
  • 평소에 고민했던 사람이 유레카를 외친다
  • 소비자에게 보이지 않는 셈을 하라

5장 인생 필살기

[나를 성공으로 리드하라]

  • 협상의 기술을 갖춰라
  • 좋은 인맥을 꾸준히 쌓아가라
  • 프로처럼 살아야 성공한다
  • 직접 부딪치면 답이 보인다


🚚 ️배송 관련 안내 입니다.

  • 상품 불량 및 오배송 문의는 클래스101 고객센터로 문의바랍니다.

Class Curriculum1

Hank's Life-changing Investment Knowhows on How to Become Rich

Class details

May 21, 2020 Course started on {date}
Rookie Difficulty · Video 35 · Attached file 0
총 0 minutes
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




It gave birth to many rich people in Korea

I'm Song Hee-chang, also known as hank.


I am Heechang Song, more known by my nickname hank.

Until I was a job-seeker, I also thought that entering a good company was the only way to live well. However, since I left a local university and didn't have any special specs, it wasn't easy for me to get a job.

As a poor person, I always yearned for the life of a rich man, and I really wanted to be rich. So I had to find another way. From then on, I earnestly saved money and learned how to become extremely rich.

I've tried so many things that I haven't tried in order to reach my goal of becoming rich. Also, if there's one thing I realized and became convinced of in the process of reaching the top, it's that the quickest shortcut to becoming rich is the way to combine real estate and business.

More people than I thought it would be too difficult when it comes to real estate and business, but that's not the case at all if they learn how to do it properly. I did it, and so many ordinary people have succeeded.

It's not hard to get rich. It was difficult because I didn't know how to get rich.

I will actively share my know-how with those who have decided to make their dream of being rich come true without giving up.

Even at this moment when everyone is hesitating <Happy Financial Tech> Cafe, success stories of people who lived a normal life became rich will continue to be posted.

“People live their lives according to their own drawings”

In the meantime, it has made many ordinary people rich.

If you take my course and draw a picture of a rich person, I'll help you make that dream come true.

Over the four and a half years of working at a nightclub, I was able to make 120 million won of seed money by collecting money like this, and I was able to complete my studies on investment and business. After quitting the nightclub, I invested 120 million won in real estate to make 2 billion won in 3 years, and now A wealth value of tens of billions of wonIt became

I started a community called Daum Café “Happiness Financial Tech” in 2008 to share know-how with many people based on my investment experience and wealth experience, and now it has grown into a cafe with 360,000 members. And over this 13-year period, we have produced many rich people.



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송사무장 블로그



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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
Disclaimer regarding Investment-Related Information
  • All investment-related information and materials the class conveys are strictly for informational purposes only. The company does not vouch for the accuracy or integrity of the information or materials provided by the class. Nor does it conduct such services as investment advisory and discretionary investment businesses that are prohibited by related laws and regulations.
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