
Post-Pandemic: The World After COVID-19

1 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

 책 대신 리브레

▶ ︎ Libre instead of a book

COVID-19 is not a temporary crisis

It is a paradigm shift that completely changes the economy, industry, society, and culture.

The Black Death ended the Middle Ages and gave birth to capitalism.

The epidemic was a phenomenon that had an impact on such a large economic structure.

Let's look at how COVID-19 will change the structure of the global economy.

One-minute class preview

▶ ︎ Post-pandemic, post-COVID-19 world

In the relationship between the epidemic and the economy

From the impact of manufacturing to the transition to non-contact

I'll explain everything in a 60-minute video.

👉 Pandemics and economy

  • The impact of the Black Death on the medieval economy
  • Lessons from SARS and MERS
  • What is the extent of the economic impact of COVID-19?

👉 Closed world again

  • COVID-19 hits manufacturing
  • A global value chain connecting the global economy
  • China's influence in global value chains
  • Why global value chains were vulnerable to the coronavirus

👉 How far away will we be

  • Untact becomes a new standard
  • Non-contact services that change work and life
  • New technology that enables non-contact
  • Non-contact service using new technology

👉 Deflationary vortex

  • Negative international oil prices
  • Inflation shock and deflation concerns
  • Is there a card to stop deflation?
  • In times of crisis, the meaning of looking at the economy



Gwangseok Kim

Gwangseok Kim

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