Easy fruit daifuku made by my child without preparation

1 chapters · 14 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Using fresh fruit
1 Class Projects

It takes about 15 to 30 minutes hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Making fruit daifuku

No preparation process or cooking process

Easy snacks for kids to make

Sweet and sour, chewy daifuku wrapped around delicious fruit!

Here's an easy way to make it without any preparation or cooking process.

My kids can do it all by themselves!

Step by step, starting with how to prepare the fruit!

If you're a kid who always carefully watches your parents cook, you'll be 100% satisfied!

Kids love it because they follow the dishes they only saw with their own eyes step by step.

The burden on parents is DOWN,

The child's satisfaction is up!

They have everything from rice dough made with rice cake dough that has already been cooked once, and red bean paste prepared sweetly.

The preparation process of mixing powder or water and kneading,

There is no steaming or boiling process after making it, so kids can do it on their own without worry.

Don't worry, the whole process is accompanied by Wannie, who works with the children's eyes!

Together with the study of creations and colors

Sounds that develop the five senses

When you mix different colors of dough, the colors mix like paint.

You can play with colors that express a variety of colors, and even tactile play with creations.

How did Sister Wonnie make pink?

For children who want to create more beautiful works

For children who want to create more beautiful works than just round daifuku

I'll even show you how to create a beautiful shape with a simple toothpick.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

Kit components

① 30g starch

② Red bean paste 100g

③ 1 spoon

④ Rice dough: 2 white, 1 yellow, 1 red (40g each)

⑤ 1 wet wipe

⑥ 1 sanitary tablecloth

Product Information Notice


  1. Do not use for anything other than its intended purpose.
  2. When using a tablecloth We recommend using the opposite side of the printing surface whenever possible.



CLASS101 Kids

CLASS101 Kids

Class 101 kids so that our kids can also find a job they love.

Class 101 Kids reduces the worries and burdens of parents thinking about how to spend time with their children,

We will introduce a variety of classes and kits so that children can have a variety of experiences and creative activities.

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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