
Excel, The Secret to “Lee” Earl for “Good” Office Workers Part 2

7 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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 안녕하세요 잘하는 직장인의 리얼 엑셀비법 #잘리 입니다.

▶ ︎ Hello, this is Real Excel Secret #잘리 for a good office worker.

들어보셨죠? 엑셀 자동화

▶ ︎ Have you heard of it? Excel automation

The second class will also be rewarded with a must-have lesson!

 수강생 만족도 100%

▶ ︎ 100% student satisfaction

Chapter 1: Stop the repetitive tasks you do every day

  • Use functions to dramatically reduce work time by setting optimal files!

Chapter 2, Now Use Excel Like a Program

  • Lots of data... If it's getting harder and harder to manage and understand, learn how to create Excel files like a program.

Chapter 3: Remember only 2 things when creating an Excel report

  • I'll show you how to understand the structure of Excel and create the desired type of report.
  • I'll even teach you the skills to get “thumbs up” for files you've created in the process of collaborating with other departments.

The fourth chapter, analysis files? Report file?

Now solve it once and for all

  • Become an Excel expert more easily and quickly with pivot tables and pivot charts.

In the fifth chapter, using the VLOOKUP function, were there any frustrating parts?

When I use the VLOOKUP function, I need to get the second or Nth data.
Haven't you always created or abandoned a separate search value?

  • This is an upgraded version of the VLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH functions, which are essential for practice.
  • Learn array formulas that are far superior to advanced functions.

대학생, 취준생, 직장인, 전문직 등 수강생의 후기

▶ ︎ Reviews from students such as university students, college students, office workers, professionals, etc.

This class is for people like this!

  • Those who have stubbornly taught “real” Excel secrets for “good” office workers Part 1
  • Those who know a lot about Excel's functions and functions, but have trouble creating files
  • Those who use the VLOOKUP function every day and organize files every day so that the VLOOKUP function is applied
  • People who are good at Excel and want to ask for a job as an employee who is good at work and wants to go double
  • Those who need to make reports of a lot of data every day
  • Those who feel uncomfortable because the shooter is so good at Excel

It will be so different after taking the course!

  • You won't be doing the work you used to do with “Nogada” every day.
  • The overtime work I did because of Excel disappears.
  • A complicated task, an Excel job that seemed impossible, will be transformed into a simple task, a possible Excel job.
  • Employees in the company ask 'me' for Excel.

Class Curriculum1

Excel, “Lee” Earl's Secret for “Good” Office Workers Part 2

Class details

Course started on April 29, 2021
Intermediate Difficulty · Video 26 · Attached file 6
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles


Exel Solutionist

Exel Solutionist

Hallo I'm Jalil, an Excel creator.

“Attended Kyungnam National University”

“Attend online streaming KB Securities”

Offline classes

  • 2018.09 — Present


  • Attended Amway (Amway) in Korea
  • Korea Institute of Health & Apparel Consulting
  • adidas (adidas) Korea Consulting
  • Attended Seoul City Job Center
  • Attend the online shopping mall Sky Sky


  • Attended Seoul National University Hospital Gangnam Center
  • Attended Kyungnam University
  • Attended the Korea Federation of Disabled People's Organizations
  • Attended Korea Export Promotion Association
  • Class101 Online Instructor
  • Attended Kyung Hee University
  • Attended KB Securities



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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