
Detailed pages that anyone can create with Photoshop

11 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Skills You’ll Learn

Basic detail page configuration

Learn about the basic configuration that goes into a detail page.

Eye-catching intro design

We'll tell you the most important intro design method on the detail page.

Product Correction Act

I'll even show you how to make direct corrections after shooting with a mobile phone camera.

Download free source

Learn how to download useful free sources.

Adding shadows to make products stand out

Add shadows in various ways to enrich the detail page

Basic rules for detail pages

Here are the basic rules for detailed pages that are often used by designers.

Provides free templates to help you listen to courses more effectively

수강시, 무료 템플릿 제공

▶ ︎ Free templates are provided during the course

If you're new to Photoshop and it's a little difficult You can easily follow the free template when you take the course, and you can create your own detailed page!

To be able to use templates efficiently How to use templatesI will also let you know one by one.

포토샵을 이용한 템플릿 사용 안내_1

▶ ︎ Template usage guide using Photoshop_1

This is a 1 seat 2 group course where you can learn about photoshop and learn detailed page design.

❗ For those of you, please consider taking a course:)

  • This class is prepared so that even those who are new to Photoshop can follow along. It can be a very easy course for those who have learned the basic functions of Photoshop.

  • In addition to the basic functions of Photoshop, this is a class that quickly teaches you how to create a detailed page as a whole by pointing out only the essentials. If you want detailed detailed page planning and professional theory, it may be disappointing.

  • It is a class where you learn the functions of Photoshop naturally in the process of omitting unnecessary theory and following videos, and even stubbornness. If you would like a course explaining the entire course in detail, please consider taking the course.


Easy Design, this is Edie

포토샵으로 웹디자인 설명_1

▶ ︎ Explaining web design with Photoshop_1

Hallo This is Edie, who runs the EasyDesign YouTube channel. For those who are interested in design while communicating with subscribers I'm informing you about web design.

When creating detailed pages, you are responsible for planning, shooting, and design costs, right?

Try selling products with a homemade detail page!

상세페이지 작업예시

▶ ︎ Detailed page work example

In addition to reducing costs, I can more effectively convey the advantages of the product and the content I want to express by creating my own detailed page of the product I want to sell.

직접 만들어 더욱 효율적인 상세페이지

▶ ︎ More efficient detail pages by creating your own

“Good-looking rice cakes are also good to eat” You know that!

If this is a detailed page that has been carefully planned and created, it must be well-made to create a detailed page that differentiates itself from competitors.

It increases the entry rate of detailed pages with a design that catches the eye at a glance among many detailed pages.

The advantages of the product can be visually expressed and effectively conveyed to busy modern people.

Detailed page created with Photoshop!

Anyone can create a detailed page if they only have Photoshop How to start from 1I would like to let you know.

It will help people like this

언택트 시대 인기 직종 디자이너 도전!

▶ ︎ Designer challenge for a popular job in the non-contact era!

nowadays Throwing, telecommuting, smart storesInterest in has increased, but I learned how to create detailed pages Detail page designerAs an essential person in the non-contact era to improve competency Work from homeYou can also try it out.

Class highlights

Detailed page design basic configuration

상세페이지 제품구성

▶ ︎ Detailed page product configuration

상세페이지 필수 구성요소

▶ ︎ Detailed page required components

상세페이지 길이

▶ ︎ Detailed page length

The structure of the detail page varies depending on the product type and characteristics, but if you know the basic configuration that goes into the detail page, you can easily design the detailed page from beginning to end without getting stuck.

Eye-catching intro design

인트로 페이지 예시_1

▶ ︎ Intro page example_1

The most important part of the detail page is the intro. Even if you're good at intro design, you've already achieved half of the success. We will reveal how to size and arrange text optimized for intros.

Product photography and retouching method

휴대폰으로 촬영하고 보정한 이미지 예시_1

▶ ︎ Example of an image taken and retouched with a mobile phone_1

▶ ︎ Example of an image taken and retouched with a mobile phone_2

휴대폰으로 촬영하고 보정한 이미지 예시_3

▶ ︎ Example of an image taken and retouched with a mobile phone_3

휴대폰으로 촬영하고 보정한 이미지 예시_4

▶ ︎ Example of an image taken and retouched with a mobile phone_4

Product images are just as important as detailed page design. How to take great photos and retouching using mobile phones and accessories at homeI'll let you know.

We will reveal various practical tips!

여백과 비율의 변형

▶ ︎ Variations in margins and proportions

인트로 폰트 꾸미기

▶ ︎ Decorating the intro font

  • Basic style rules for detail pages commonly used by designers

  • Free images, free icons, and free fonts to help you design detailed pages

  • How to use shadows to make products stand out

Class Kit · Coaching Session

Class Curriculum1

Detailed pages that anyone can create with Photoshop

Class details

Course started on November 21, 2022
Rookie Difficulty · Video 36 · Attached file 2
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




Hello, I'm Edie, a freelance designer. He has a long career as a web agency, IT, and in-house designer, and is working as a designer in various fields. I'm currently running a YouTube channel called Easy Design. For those who dream of being a detailed page designer but don't know how to get started, or for business owners who are hesitant because the cost of creating a detailed page is expensive, I would like to prepare a detailed page class starting from 1. If you only have Photoshop installed, we will show you a detailed page design that anyone can easily get started with.







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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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