
Creating Unique Anime Characters with an Edge

9 chapters · 9 hours 3 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio English

Skills You’ll Learn


Acquire Fundamental Observational Skills

Line Art

Understand the Importance of Lines and Visual Weight


How to Pick and Use Colors


Create an Eye Catching Full Rendered Illustration From Start to Finish

Class Summary

This course will teach you to reference and apply everyday elements in life and use them as the foundational inspiration to create compelling characters with distinctive yet polished qualities. We'll also explore fashion design, color theory and some other key anatomic pointers of the male character.

Class Takeaways

  • Gain an acute understanding of the correlation of the elements that encompass an aesthetic design and thus will be able to create stimulating characters.
  • Create personalized and original characters with liveliness by applying details from your surroundings.

This Class Is For

  • For beginner and intermediate artists who strive to create original characters and want to incorporate a fresh and interesting narrative into their design.

Class Requirements

  • You need to have your own 'ClipStudio' to take the class. For more information, please visit here.
  • *Please Note: Students will have to purchase 'ClipStudio' application. It is not included in the course package.
Class Kit · Coaching Session

  • You need to have your own 'ClipStudio' to take the class. For more information, please visit here.
  • Please Note: Students will have to purchase 'ClipStudio' application. It is not included in the course package.





My name is Kota, I'm a Chilean illustrator in love with design, dogs, video games and ikemen.

My forte is character and clothing design. A designer by trade, 5 years ago (thanks to a mobile otome game) I decided I was better off drawing and making my four passions shine.



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Notes on Copyright Protection
  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801