
Golf lessons that can be understood at once, and Ilta instructor Lee Jung-woong Pro's '100 Hit Breaking Project'

11 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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I work hard to practice

Are your skills in place?

Some people say they also play singles a year after they started playing golf... Why am I like this?

Golf is a very sensitive sport.Small changes make big difference in resultsappears. So alone Randomly increasing the amount of practice will never improve your skills. Accurate understanding of swings and swings adapted to one's body structureYour golf skills will improve only if you find.

your golf skills,

Lee Jung-woong Pro will be responsible

How long are you going to lose yourself in the YouTube golf flood? If you just follow this and that, your skills and body will be ruined. Golf instructor Lee Jung-woong Pro clearly understood the swing mechanismI'll let you do it.

What are your concerns

I know it all too well.

I helped many people with their concerns by giving private lessons and running a YouTube channel. Many people struggle with misconceptions and understandings about golf on the market. my The point of the lesson is to enable those who have a passion for golf to enjoy golf without getting frustratedIt's.

Lee Jung-woong Pro's secret

Flight distance express lesson

In order to increase flight distance Head speed must be raised to the maximum value through rotation of the lower body and ground repulsion. In this class Flight distance improvement lessons with basic skills on swing mechanismsI configured it together. I hope that golfers' cravings for flight distance will be resolved.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

Class Curriculum1

A golf lesson that can be understood at once, '100 stroke breaking project' by Il-ta instructor Lee Jung-woong Pro

Class details

October 14, 2021 Course started on {date}
Beginner Difficulty · Video 24 · Attached file 0
총 0 minutes
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles


ung pro

ung pro

A guide to help you understand golf easily Lee Jung-woong ProIt's.

ER Golf runs a YouTube channel and communicates with many people who love golf.

meantime I know very well the many concerns of people who started playing golf while taking lessons with tour pros, starting when they were junior players.

Through me, I will always do my best to make golf easy and fun for all of you.





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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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