
A way to live a happy life as a complete self while holding various N jobs!

8 chapters · 4 hours 26 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

How to become a memorable brand

I'm going to learn how I can be memorable to others by using my strengths.

An easy and quick way to build empathy on social media

When we empathize, we have a crush on that person.

Social media photos are also important for personal branding.

I'll teach you how to take sensuous emotional photos.

Attractive writing that brands me with a story

On social media, everything is shown in pictures and text. How should I use it?

<Long-lasting personal branding>

To a complete me while doing various N jobs

A happy way to live!

Everyone who came to class WILLY WELCOMEI will do it:)

Maybe I still like it

Are you looking for something you're good at?

Hello! Currently 36 years old, professional N-jobber with 36 jobs,

I'm Kim Jin-hyang, a personal branding expert.

In my early 20s, when I had no idea what I liked and was good at, I was only able to work a full month and earn 80 to 1 million won. However, after creating personal branding through various trials and challenges, I am now receiving several times the amount at that time.

Trying to do personal branding doesn't mean becoming famous. In fact, becoming famous is a small number of stories. I'd like to ask you to awaken your diverse potential. It's about experiencing making various profits other than salary like that.

이름 자체만으로 하나의 브랜드로 살아가고 있는 김진향 작가, 그녀만의 브랜딩 비결은 무엇일까?

▶ What is the secret behind Kim Jin-hyang, who lives as a brand with only her name alone?

Today, I do everything I want to do A laid-back and happy single-person entrepreneurI live with But what's even better is that I know clearly what I really want to do, and I know what I'm good at.

It gave me faith and trust in myself. When self-understanding and self-confidence develop No matter what you do, it's not scary. On the contrary, the new challenges are even fun.

Personal Branding N Jobber's LifeThe best thing about

📌 At the same time Collaborate with multiple agencies I can do a project

📌 I already have a person named me Know and contact through searchThe point of giving

📌 My own Adjust your scheduleI can do it

📌 I As much revenue as you wantIt means you can make it.

📌 Self-confidence and high self-esteemEnjoying life with it is the greatest of luck.

“You are the brand.”

소상공인 자신만의 브랜드 구축 → 대중들의 관심 → 매출 UP!

▶ Small business owners build their own brand → Public interest → Increased sales!

It's been 10 years since I gave a lecture, and 5 years since I gave a course on personal branding.

A personal brand is different from a product brand. People are the main characters, and people are the center. So it's not easier. If it's a product, I can add value separately from myself, because when a person is a brand, that person's life itself becomes the brand's action.

So I don't want anyone who thinks lightly about personal branding to take this course.

Those who listen to this course are above all A person who loves myselfI hope so. If you are such a person, I believe it will be a great brand when the course is over. ❤

“I'm happiest when I'm awake as my whole self!”

Everyone has a right to be happy. If you have a good personal brand, you don't have to deal with the stress of work or relationships. I can choose what I want to do and work where I want.

And be sure to remember that.
A brand is not a “package.”
A brand must shine “by itself.”

You are the only one in the world, and you are truly precious. I prepared a lecture hoping that everyone would shine and that their radiance would be captured on social media.

⭐ Thinking about what I can do using my strengths

⭐ Not only attractive photography know-how

⭐ How to write branding where the text itself becomes “myself”

⭐ I'll show you all the ways to monetize it!

“Pro N Jobber, who was recognized on TV!”

I've worked 36 jobs so far. It's not easy to succeed in all of these jobs, but my past experiences came together to become the “Kim Jin-hyang” I am today. A lot of people ask me how I do so many things, but I am my own Pro N Job formulaI have it.

Thanks to that formula, no matter what new work I tried, I was always able to grow in a positive direction, and I was able to create as much profit and strong branding as I wanted.

🧡 The core of personal branding

✔ Find content that makes use of your strengths

Create profitable pipelines

Personal branding through steady social media activities

Benchmark role models and tailor them to you

“Let them come first!”

김진향 프로필

▶ Kim Jin-hyang's profile

Twenty-eight, the first book was published with a collection of articles that had been written on the blog. What helped me the most to achieve that dream was the habit of recording every moment of my life online. However, simply recording in the form of a diary doesn't help with branding. Personal branding writing is based on a different principle.

The key point is that people are curious about me
It was meant to make them come.

After the book was published, requests for lectures flooded in. I flew all over the country and gave 2 lectures a day. However, after only 1 year. 1 year passed, there were no more requests for lectures.

why? Why was that? My experiences at that time made me think about personal branding that lasts longer. And after years of deliberation, I discovered the secret. I got it by experiencing it firsthand and bumping into it in the field How to create a long and happy life through branding that is completely personal I'll share all of that know-how with you. 😊😉

Personal branding expert Kim Jin-hyang, artist,

I am very satisfied with the course 99%!!!!

수강생 후기

▶ Student reviews

“For those who dream of financial, time, and freedom!”

To the artist 1,000 steamed pansIt is said that if there is this, the artist doesn't worry about eating and living for the rest of his life. No matter what you sell, steaming fans will buy it. 😊

A good personal brand means that no matter what you do or what you sell, people trust the person called “me.” The most important keyword trust'Once it's built, no matter what you do after that, people will come back and you'll be able to keep moving forward.

Let's start with me to see what actions to take right now to build brand trust! ^-^ 👍

As your first step in personal branding

We'll be your reliable partner!

Having someone to help you in your life is a wonderful thing.

So that you can continue to do well in what you've learned,

Please allow me to find it. I'll always be there for you. 🧡🙏

Class Kit · Coaching Session

💌 1:1 coaching from branding expert Kim Jin-hyang

  • per 1 coaching ticket 2 questionsThis is possible.
  • per 1 question Around 250 charactersI will give you an answer of
  • Coaching is answered on the day the question is received, Up to 10 daysThis takes time.
  • If you don't understand anything in the curriculum Be specificPlease do it.
  • “Ex) Questions about Chapter 3 OO part/ My situation, background, preparation, etc.”
  • Other A personal questionI'll answer this if needed. ^^





🎤 Personal branding expert

🎤 Pro N Jobber (36 years old, 36 jobs)

✔ CEO of RichK Books Publishing

✔ benthic

<Writing with emotion that makes you love me even more>

<The giant within me>

<Twenty-eight, time to fix my shoes>

<Buying by brand>

✔ singers

✔ Domestic 0.01% blog

(No. 1 celebrity power blog in Korea)

✔ 2016 Salvation Army Ambassador Appointed

✔ Audio platform content producer

(Clubhouse N Jobler runs all clubs)

✔ Lecturers EBS, SK, NH, small business owners, Ministry of Environment, TEDx, Woori Bank, etc.

✔ MC/Book concert host

Pyeongchang Winter Olympics Cheering Interview, Paju Buksori

Ansan Mayor's talk show, Prime Minister Segi-kyun Jeong's Thursday conversation, etc.

✔ Broadcast appearances (SBS, MBC, CBS, YTN, KTV, etc.)







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