5 surest skills to ruin your life< 90% off! >

1 chapters · 26 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Hello everyone

<Kairos producer> is a celldad that conveys the importance of time.

You've lost your direction in life, or

helpless or

or indolent

Lazy or

If you live a life where you continue to feel depressed

I highly recommend watching this class.

Even if I just tell a positive story, there's no answer

If you don't get in touch properly

It can definitely be irritating.

Because if you live your life the way I suggest

This is because I captured such content in the video that could ruin your life.

There's no one who doesn't use a smartphone.

Rather, it would be weird if you didn't use it.

The more you use a smartphone like that

People spend less time thinking.

People become idiots the less time they spend thinking.

It makes me stupid because I don't use my brain.

It really is.

If people just look at their smartphone without thinking

It's really stupid.

I always say this when I think or act like a fool.

“If I don't want to be an idiot, I have to keep my mind tight.”

If you're using your smartphone more than necessary

Be sure to watch this class video.

I highly recommend it.

If you are living with an addiction to something

I highly recommend watching this class video.

Because I made it out of stories that I actually experienced and realized.

I'm sorry for those who smoke, but

Cigarettes are no different from drug addiction.

Addiction is what caused addiction anyway

You can't do without it

Because I'm talking about a state of mind or a state of the body.

Smartphone addiction, drug addiction, game addiction, alcohol addiction, shopping addiction, etc.

If you are currently living with an addiction to something

You may find this class video helpful.

Because there are two major crossroads in life anyway.

There are also two choices when making a choice.

Yes or


This is what we'll cover in this class.

*5 Most Definite Skills That Will Ruin Your Life*

  • Spend more time using your phone
  • Living lazier than anyone else
  • Don't read
  • Living by chasing only pleasure
  • Not to exercise

If you really want to ruin your life, you can just live the way I suggest in the video.

Conversely, if you want to live a life worth living

For content and methods that are the opposite of this

I will introduce it in the video.

  • Zero draft
  • 3 ways to activate serotonin
  • Outputs
  • How Dopamine Works in 7 Steps
  • The importance of exercise
  • norepinephrine
  • Create an exercise routine
  • Intake for health

The important thing is action.

So let's get started!


Spend your precious time

Because you read my post.

It's my little sincerity.

(Please read the article below ^^)

I made it this time

*The 5 most obvious skills that will ruin your life

If you think about it the opposite, it means that if you don't do this, you can live a worthwhile life.

And one thing you can never leave out is the use of time.

It would be very helpful if you read it along with this class video!

(If you understand the following content and actually put it into practice, read one or two brain science books and execute them

It would be the same as getting the corresponding technical knowledge and experience.)

If you want to make good use of your time, do what I suggest. You don't have to do everything.

One to as many as three things you can do right now is enough.

  1. I live as a morning type human (morning type human).
  2. I focus on high concentration and productive work in the morning. (About 3 hours after waking up is the best time to concentrate) In other words, you should make good use of your brain's golden time. 30 minutes in the morning is equivalent to the efficiency of about 2 hours in the evening.
  3. Work that is not productive or important is done in the afternoon. (due to poor concentration)
  4. When you lose concentration, take a relaxing break for 5 to 10 minutes. (Increased concentration) To put it more directly, an immersion pattern of 30 minutes of concentration+5 minutes of rest will have continuous efficiency.
  5. If you wake up after a 26-minute nap, your efficiency increases by 34% and your attention increases by 54%. (Sleeping more than that is rather a hindrance)
  6. Make a routine to make serotonin between morning and daytime work. (You can make serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter, by basking in the sun for at least 5 minutes, doing aerobic exercises, or chewing food well. Serotonin is also called a healing substance. It relieves depression and anxiety, reduces stress, and makes you feel happy)
  7. If you work within a time limit, your work efficiency will increase. (For example, calling 10 customers unconditionally from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
  8. When you have trouble concentrating, it's a good idea to change places to work. (Due to the effect of place neurons, acetylcholine, which affects creativity, memory enhancement, etc., is activated.)
  9. The most effective way to immerse yourself in and focus on your immediate work is to set difficult goals that you can control. People show the highest level of immersion when they are doing difficult tasks at a level they can do. (Goldlocks law)
  10. Exercise is essential in order to use time efficiently. Exercising after work will restore your physical condition and improve your concentration. Learning after that is effective. Exercising creates neurotransmitters in the brain that are good for health and are responsible for concentration, alertness, and happiness. (Dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, serotonin, etc.)
  11. Do not exercise 2 hours before going to bed. (If sympathetic nerves are revived during the day, it interferes with sleep. Dark lighting also helps you sleep, and don't use electronic devices such as smartphones. If you get a good night's sleep in such a relaxed state, melotonin, which is a sleeping substance, is well secreted.) Furthermore, it is good to maintain an appropriate balance between sympathetic nerves during the day and parasympathetic nerves at night due to autonomic nerves, but it is good if adrenaline is secreted from sympathetic nerves during the day. Adrenaline is like Excel in a car. Momentum is created. In the evening, on the other hand, parasympathetic nerves must be active and acetylcholine is produced. Parasympathetic nerves are like brakes in a car. In other words, it is suitable for rest and sleep.
  12. In the evening, I socialize with my loved ones and friends. When people interact, oxytocin is produced, and oxytocin has a positive effect on cell recovery and immunity enhancement. Oxytocin is also called the hormone of love.
  13. If you want to be effective in your work, be sure to focus on one thing. (Focus on the main skills that are essential for work or that you need to learn and use right away to become a professional in that field. After proficiently mastering the main skill, they learn other skills related to it. The important thing is to focus on only one main technology at the beginning)
  14. I also care about eating foods that are beneficial to health. (Supplementing insufficient nutritional supplements such as vitamins and omega-3 is also included)

It's Whiting!

-Cell dad posted-



Sel Daddy

Sel Daddy

Hallo I'm a cell dad.

If you're reading what I wrote in my precious time

I would like to give you one piece of advice with gratitude.

I made it this time

*The 5 most obvious skills that will ruin your life

If you think about it the opposite, it means that if you don't do this, you can live a worthwhile life.

And one thing you can never leave out is the use of time.

It would be very helpful if you read it along with this class video!

(If you understand the following content and actually put it into practice, read one or two brain science books and execute them

It would be the same as getting the corresponding technical knowledge and experience.)

If you want to make good use of your time, do what I suggest. You don't have to do everything. One to as many as three things you can do right now is enough.

  1. I live as a morning type human (morning type human).
  2. I focus on high concentration and productive work in the morning. (About 3 hours after waking up is the best time to concentrate) In other words, you should make good use of your brain's golden time. 30 minutes in the morning is equivalent to the efficiency of about 2 hours in the evening.
  3. Work that is not productive or important is done in the afternoon. (due to poor concentration)
  4. When you lose concentration, take a relaxing break for 5 to 10 minutes. (Concentration increases)
  5. If you wake up after a 26-minute nap, your efficiency increases by 34% and your attention increases by 54%. (Sleeping more than that is rather a hindrance)
  6. Make a routine to make serotonin between morning and daytime work. (You can make serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter, by basking in the sun for at least 5 minutes, doing aerobic exercises, or chewing food well. Serotonin is also called a healing substance. It relieves depression and anxiety, reduces stress, and makes you feel happy)
  7. If you work within a time limit, your work efficiency will increase. (For example, calling 10 customers unconditionally until 6 o'clock before leaving work)
  8. When you have trouble concentrating, it's a good idea to change places to work. (Due to the effect of place neurons, acetylcholine, which affects creativity, memory enhancement, etc., is activated.)
  9. The most effective way to immerse yourself in and focus on your immediate work is to set difficult goals that you can control. People show the highest level of immersion when they are doing difficult tasks at a level they can do. (Goldlocks law)
  10. Exercise is essential in order to use time efficiently. Exercising after work will restore your physical condition and improve your concentration. Learning after that is effective. Exercising creates neurotransmitters in the brain that are good for health and are responsible for concentration, alertness, and happiness. (Dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, serotonin, etc.)
  11. Do not exercise 2 hours before going to bed. (If sympathetic nerves are revived during the day, it interferes with sleep. Dark lighting also helps you sleep, and don't use electronic devices such as smartphones. If you get a good night's sleep in such a relaxed state, melotonin, which is a sleeping substance, is well secreted.)
  12. In the evening, I socialize with my loved ones and friends. When people interact, oxytocin is produced, and oxytocin has a positive effect on cell recovery and immunity enhancement. Oxytocin is also called the hormone of love.
  13. If you want to be effective in your work, be sure to focus on one thing. (Focus on the main skills that are essential for work or that you need to learn and use right away to become a professional in that field. After proficiently mastering the main skill, they learn other skills related to it. The important thing is to focus on only one main technology at the beginning)
  14. I also care about eating foods that are beneficial to health. (Supplementing insufficient nutritional supplements such as vitamins and omega-3 is also included)

It's Whiting!

-Cell dad posted-



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