
A full body workout that takes 3 seconds! Home snatch

8 chapters
Korean|Audio Korean

About the class

Snatch, a full-body diet exercise that burns 420 ckals in one hour! Can you believe that you can build strong leg and arm muscles with just one movement? Grow rapidly losing muscle loss in your 30s with simple snatch movements. Anyone, regardless of age, can easily meet the systematic and high-quality classes of all national weightlifting teams at home. Try it out with Korea's first home lifting program from a coach who has coached over 500 weightlifters!

Course effect

  • You can learn home snatch to balance the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the body.
  • Let me tell you about a home clean that builds muscle all over the body in 3 seconds.
  • You can learn home jerk, a technique that makes it easy to control a barbell.

Recommended target

  • Those who want to try barbell exercises but are unsure where and how to start
  • Office workers who are too weak to take a break when they get home
  • Housewives and office workers who want to find energy in a lethargic day and everyday life that is repeated every day
  • Those who are looking for a high-intensity full-body diet in a short time because it is difficult to find time to exercise

2 reasons why this class is special

❶ Full body workout in 3 seconds! Homesnatch I met for the first time

A home snatch that allows you to get the benefits of exercise in an instant! Sunggo, which has a certification that has been verified in the country, is a class created after the trainer's worries. It consists of an exercise program that can be fully digested by those who have never been able to barbell exercise. Home snatch and home clean jerk exercises use the whole body, so the speed at which physical strength is added to the body is noticeably faster. Get a barbell workout close to you at home without having to go to the gym!

❷ Are good players different from instructors who teach well?

He has been active as a weightlifter for 10 years and has experience in the 48kg weightlifting national team. However, no matter how many national teams you're good at, do you know that teaching is a completely different field from what you're good at? Her career as an athlete is a new record for middle school students in Korea, and her career as a leader has many medals at the National Youth Games (Secondary School), National Games (high school), and at the same time, a career as a national team player, and at the same timeBeginning in the first year of school, I used weightlifting as a career for 20 years and proved my ability as a result. There are few athletes and coaches with teaching experience in Korea at the same time. Having both weightlifting skills and teaching skills Systematic, high quality Watch Weightlifting Fairy Seong Go-eun's lectures online.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

클래스에 필요한

키트를 소개합니다.

1. 올인원 키트

클래스에 필요한 준비물을 한번에

집에서 효과적으로 리프팅 운동할 수 있도록 근력 운동에 매우 효과적인 중량감 있는 멀티 바를 올인원 키트로 준비했어요. 1kg부터 6kg까지 6단계로 구성되어 기본적인 스트레칭부터 웨이트 트레이닝까지 사용하기 쉽고 간편합니다.

1. 스벨투스 피트바 1~6kg 선택

스벨투스 피트바는 강도가 다른 6종으로 구성되어 있어, 사용자에 맞게 적합한 강도의 제품을 선택하여 사용할 수 있습니다. 또한, 무게가 있는 봉 형태로 바벨이나 덤벨 대용으로 이용 가능하며 다양한 전신 운동 및 코어 운동과 균형을 잡는데 탁월합니다.

  • 제품명: 피트바(Fit-bar)
  • 무게: 1kg / 2kg / 3kg / 4kg / 5kg / 6kg
  • 색상: 검정 / 주황 / 파랑 / 빨강 / 초록 / 노랑 / 진보라
  • 길이: 100cm (모두 동일)
  • 지름: 3cm / 3cm / 3cm / 4cm / 4cm/ 4cm
  • 재질: Steel / Polyyethylene
  • 구성: 피트바 1ea (선택하신 무게의 제품이 발송됩니다)
  • 브랜드: 스벨투스
  • 원산지: 프랑스

퀄리티를 높일 수 있는

추가 구성품을 소개합니다.

1. 이고진 TPE 요가매트

이고진 TPE 요가매트는 바닥과의 밀착력이 높아 자세 잡기가 수월하며 뛰어난 내구성으로 오랜 사용에도 찢어짐이나 오염이 적고 복원력이 좋습니다. 운동을 꾸준히 하는 분이 사용하기에 좋으며 자세가 단단히 고정되어야 할 때 사용하기에 적당해요.

  • 제품명: 요가매트 TPE 6mm / TPE 8mm / TPE 10mm
  • 색상: 핑크블라썸네이비/핑크화이트퍼플/민트핑크블라썸/라이트옐로우핑크블라썸
  • 구성: TPE 요가매트 1개, 스트랩 끈 1개
  • 핑크블라썸네이비 크기/중량: 길이 1830x너비 610x두께 6(mm) / 1000(g)
  • 핑크화이트퍼플 크기/중량: 길이 1830x너비 610x두께 6(mm) / 1000(g)
  • 민트핑크블라썸 크기/중량: 길이 1850x너비 610x두께 8(mm) / 1200(g)
  • 라이트옐로우핑크블라썸 크기/중량: 길이 1850x너비 640x두께 10(mm)/ 1500(g)
  • 재질: TPE
  • 제조국: 중국
  • 브랜드: 이고진

🚚 ️배송 관련 안내 입니다.

  • 재고 수급 상황에 따라 키트 구성품은 다른 유사 제품으로 대체되어 출고될 수 있습니다
  • 상품 불량 및 오배송 문의는 클래스101 고객센터로 문의 바랍니다.



Hello Barbell

Hello Barbell


  • All national weightlifting teams in the 48kg class
  • Kangwon Sports Award (weightlifting category)
  • Wonju Girls' High School Physical Education Instructor (Weightlifting Coach)
  • Yeongwol Penglai Middle School School Physical Education Instructor (Weightlifting Coach)
  • Weightlifting National Games gold medal and national team athlete output
  • Kangwon Superintendent's Award (Leadership category)
  • Physical Education Instructor Bodybuilding Level 2
  • Gyeonggi Athletic Instructor Weightlifting Level 2
  • Crossfit Level 2
  • About 10,000 people operate the Hello Babel campaign YouTube channel



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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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