
Becoming a One-Man Animation Studio!

10 chapters · 3 hours 37 minutes
Audio English

Skills You’ll Learn

ImPJComics’ Looping Technique

Having an animation loop and constant movement

ImPJComics’ Bounce Technique

Having an animation bounce and show appeal

ImPJComics’ Jitter Technique

Having an animation Jitter and keep the viewer's eye on the screen

The 12 Principles of Animation

The 12 principles of animation are the common techniques of animation

Learn the Rules of 1’s, 2’s, and 3’s Frame Rate

The frame rate you animate in and the rules that I use

Applying Impact Frames to your Animation

The greatest technique any animator can apply to their animation!

Class Summary

This class is an introduction to how limitless animation can be! You don't need a team to make the things you want to make. You can start on your own! With this class, you'll be more than ready to take on your journey as an animator.

This Class is For

  • This class is for people who want to learn animation but don’t know how to go about learning animation.
  • People who know animation and struggle to do it on their own.
  • This class will go over all the 12 principles of animation, how I use all my software to create my viral internet animations, and how I make impact frames. So, if you’re interested in that, this class is for you!

Class Takeaways

  • The students will become well-versed in the basics of animation!
  • They will be well on their way to being intermediates after learning everything in this course.
  • The key takeaways are impact frames, looping animation, bouncing animations, and jittering animations. These takeaways will make animating more accessible and more appealing.

Class Requirements

  • Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Animate will be used in this class, but you can use different versions.
  • For more information on Adobe, click here.
  • Students will have to purchase the digital drawing tool. It is not included in the course package.

Class Curriculum1

Becoming a One-Man Animation Studio!

Class details

Course started on October 24, 2022
Beginner Difficulty · Video 22 · Attached file 0
총 3 hours 37 minutes
English voice




My name is Phillip Campbell, also known as ImPJComics, and I’m a professional animator. I’ve accumulated over 380 thousand Followers on TikTok, 45.6 thousand followers on Instagram, and over 8 thousand Subscribers on YouTube with my animations. I’ve also captured millions of views and turned my life around in a year as an official social media animator. I used to go to college for animation but, decided not to go back, and here I am! Here for you as your instructor!

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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801