<구구단> is the Korean version of <times table song>nursery rhyme. Enjoy listening to a nursery rhyme in English and Korean together!
[이런 걸 배워요]
- 2단부터 12단까지 구구단을 배워요
- 숫자가 커지는 구구단의 개념을 알아요
- 곱셈의 원리를 쉽게 깨우쳐요
- 암기력을 키워요
[구구단을 쉽게 외워요!]
츄피츄피 츄피츄! 구구단아 외워져라!
구구단이 외워지지 않는다고요? 곱셈이 너무 어렵다고요?
주니토니의 구구단송이면 그런 걱정은 노노!
주니토니와 신나게 노래하다 보면 어느새 구구단이 술술술
재밌는 이야기, 신나는 노래, 풍부한 지식까지 주니토니와 한 번에 해결하세요!
[추천 대상]
- 구구단 암기가 필요한 친구
- 구구단을 자꾸자꾸 까먹는 친구
- 구구단이 지루하고 재미 없는 친구
[주니토니 '구구단송'은 특별해요]
아이들의 눈높이에 맞춰 개발된 쉽고 재미있는 스토리와
키즈캐슬만의 뛰어난 음악과 영상은 아이들의 감수성과 창의력을 풍부하게 합니다.
또한, 이 시기 즐거움과 함께 시작된 호기심은 자연스러운 학습 동기가 되어
나도 모르는 새 다양한 지식을 노래하게 될 거예요.
부모님과 아이들이 가장 안심하고 즐길 수 있는 콘텐츠를 지금 바로 만나보세요!
Required for classes
Here's what you need to prepare.
This is what you need to prepare for the JUNITHONY class.
If you meet and memorize Gugudan, which is difficult for children to memorize, you can learn quickly and easily!
The popular driver Gugudansong on the JUNITONY YouTube channel has been released as a sound book!
(* Children's Product Safety Special Act KC certification: CB064R1399-2005)
Learn more!
With an exciting song
Learn about Gugudan!
Count pictures and sing along to songs with familiar melodies!
You can learn Gugudan more easily and quickly.
Upside down Gugudan song
My ability to memorize is amazing!
8 Gugudan songs and 8 Gugudan songs backwards with the mode button.
You can listen to a total of 16 songs while changing!
With familiar pictures and captions
Understanding multiplication concepts!
Read the description along with the pictures in the book.
It's easy to break the principle of curly hair! While counting the animal friends in the picture,
I can understand the principle of growing numbers and grasp the concept!
❗️ This is a major notice.
- Batteries must be replaced by an adult.
- Do not use new batteries together with old batteries.
- Do not store it in a place with high humidity or temperature, and keep it away from heat or water.
- Use with a guardian.
- Use by children under 3 is prohibited.
- Don't put it in your mouth.
🚚 ️ This is a shipping-related guide.
- For inquiries about product defects and misdelivery, please contact Class 101 Customer Service.
"A world where you learn through singing"
KizCastle studies children's happiness.
We deliver precious values and amazing and various knowledge that children must know to children in the most beautiful and sophisticated music of KizCastle.
Early childhood education experts gather to always think about the most beneficial things for children.
It is KizCastle's mission to make children keep smiling.
We want to show and play only the most beautiful things to children with the music and design of KizCastle, recognized by the world.
주니토니 동요동화
주니토니 동요동화
JunyTony Songs and Stories
JunyTony Songs and Stories