
Complete Study Skills - Vocabulary for all elementary school subjects 2-2

2 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Class introduction

“Complete Study Skills: Vocabulary for All Elementary School Subjects” is a book that develops vocabulary skills that are the foundation for learning all elementary school subjects.

If you thoroughly study the vocabulary that underlies studying all subjects with “Complete Study Skills: Vocabulary for All Elementary School Subjects”

It can lay the foundation for learning not only in elementary school but also in secondary and high school.

Course effect

The foundation of elementary school subject learning is vocabulary.

If you don't know a lot of vocabulary, it's hard to learn the subject at school.

“Complete Study Skills: Vocabulary for All Elementary School Subjects” is designed so that students can learn the essential vocabulary of all elementary school textbooks in a fun way.

I study 4 vocabulary words a day by looking at pictures.

If you learn vocabulary and expressions related to the vocabulary you've learned, and even read textbook-related fingerprints using the vocabulary you've learned, your vocabulary skills will grow rapidly.

Recommended target

Students in grades 1 to 2 can enjoy learning casually by choosing 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B; students in grades 3 to 4 choose 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B; and grades 5 to 6 can choose 5A, 5B, 6A, and 6B.

What makes this class special

1. 4 pages a day, a light amount of study for 20 days

Studying for 15 minutes a day improves learning immersion and enables steady learning

2. A fun review game with a mobile app for 5 minutes a day

With a mobile app learning game, you can review in a fun way and track your learning progress

3. Learn essential vocabulary from textbooks for all elementary school subjects

Learn essential vocabulary from elementary school language, social studies, mathematics, and science textbooks by topic

4. After learning expressions and phraseology, finish learning vocabulary by reading fingerprints

Learn idiomatic expressions and phraseology related to essential vocabulary, and improve vocabulary skills by reading fingerprints containing vocabulary

5. Includes achievement verification questions

Check your ability by solving skill verification questions (1 time/2 times)

Class Curriculum1

Complete Study Skills - Vocabulary for all elementary school subjects 2-2

Class details

Course started on June 26, 2023
Rookie Difficulty · Video 20 · Attached file 0
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




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