
iOS Swift App Development by Apple Engineers - 10,000 Lines of Coding [Intermediate]

7 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

iOS Swift intermediate development

UI development and function implementation, server construction and API development through Firebase

Class introduction

Recently, there has been a steady increase in the demand for iOS Native developers at the IT company most favored by job-seekers (Necara Gubae). If you want to be a competitive developer, it also means you need development based on the Swift language.

In this class, for those who want to gain practical experience as an iOS app engineer, you'll learn the practice of developing apps using the iOS Swift language. Even if you fully understand this class, I'm sure you have as many or more practical skills as a junior in a typical IT company.

If you know the basic Swift language, but can't develop an actual app, and don't have practical skills, be sure to take this class. In this class, you can complete the app development result in the image above with your own hands.

There is still a shortage of materials or courses for learning the Swift language in Korea. However, iOS Swift has processes that are essential as you learn. If you learn basic Swift languages such as data types such as String, Integer, Array, and Dictionary and if-else statements, you need to directly feel and handle the big forest of development by developing iOS apps on a certain scale, and have an understanding of the big picture.

This class is an intermediate level class for people with basic knowledge of iOS Swift to make their debut as a junior developer 🔥 10,000 lines of coding! It's a journey as fun as the weight of a fish stick, and you can definitely make the jump to iOS Native developer.

Course effect

  • You can have iOS Native UI development skills at the level of current developers.
  • You can learn skills to design a larger framework for development while directly developing commercialized social services.
  • You can have the ability to make your debut as a junior developer.
  • By designing code for multiple functions, you can dramatically improve your understanding of custom functions, which used to be difficult.

Recommended target

  • Those who want to make their debut as an iOS Native junior developer
  • Those who want to learn iOS Native UI development skills at an intermediate level or higher
  • Those who want to expand iOS development insights by taking one class
  • Those who want to develop their job skills with one Apple Mac PC

Pre-course notes

  • 2015 and later models based on Apple MacBook
  • Xcode 14.x version (free)
  • The exercises can only be done using Mac-like devices.

Three reasons why this class is special

❶ Ryan's career as an Apple Korea iOS app developer

First iOS Swift app development class

In this class, you can learn business skills that you can't learn in iOS Swift development textbooks or documents.

For example, when setting the color of many UI objects, you can use the #colorLiteral () function rather than commands like.black or.systempink to express them more intuitively and on the line of code.

Also, beyond basic knowledge of iOS, you can learn about app development approaches for apps of a certain size or larger or at a commercialization level. Note the folder tree and file structure in this class. It's worth being able to use it as you grow as an iOS developer in the future.

❷ Commercialized social app development approach

By acquiring many users such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, you will develop a familiar UI and function implementation. Becoming a Swift developer sometimes requires a lot of patience and lots of trial and error. But sometimes there's a need for a quick approach. I will share what I have learned over many hours with those taking the class.

❸ Implement a server and build a database using Firebase

When launching an app service, what all apps require is membership registration and login View development. Furthermore, it is necessary to implement actual authentication procedures such as login and account through the server.

By applying account registration and authentication through Google's Firebase server in this class, future students can complete all common aspects of apps launched, distributed, and developed at once.

  • Also, the data of member information that has completed account registration can be stored in the Firebase Database and user information can be called as an API. If you're a junior developer who hasn't experienced practical work, is studying on your own, or is studying alone in an uninhabitable environment, this class will greatly help you in your practice and career, so please follow all of them until the end!

Class Curriculum1

iOS Swift App Development by Apple Engineers - 10,000 Lines of Coding [Intermediate]

Class details

Course started on July 5, 2023
Intermediate Difficulty · Video 30 · Attached file 2
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




Hi, I'm Ryan!

Based on my work experience at Apple Korea, I thought I needed an approach that would enable me to have practical skills in iOS Native app development.

After taking the class, take a look at the apps you're using on your iPhone or iPad.

I think I can develop it? That thought will come to mind.

The Clubhouse app, which attracted many celebrities and celebrities such as Elon Musk, also selected only an iOS app.

iOS apps are now becoming a strategy for businesses to quickly test market potential.

We'll be happy to help you get Blue Ocean's iOS Swift developer ticket 🔥

[Participating projects]

  • Apple iOS 13, 14 ver.
  • Construction and Operation of the Northeast Metaverse - iOS AR-based Realistic Content Development Course
  • ICT Innovation Square Dissemination Project - AI Artificial Intelligence Development Process


Current) CEO of Chron

Current) Attended Sookmyung Women's University

Former) Apple Korea iOS team

[Q&A with Ryan]

Q. Please tell us about the unique advantages of this class that you would like to be proud of!

A. We carefully prepared even the smallest details, such as the curriculum, improving the actual development ability of class students, and sound quality during lecture production.

Q. How can I use this class after taking it?

A. It can be derived and utilized in various app development by improving actual development capabilities at the junior iOS development level.

Q. Have you ever conducted an offline class?

A. Yes! While teaching at a university, I was able to meet students and confirm their interest and needs in the Swift language.

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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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