
[Essential for survival] Practical travel French that even beginners can use as soon as they learn OK

5 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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About the class

Even if it's the first time in my life to speak French

What's possible with Joe-sam

French travel conversation ✈️


This is a must-attend class for those who want to learn French like French and experience French culture with their whole body. You might find it difficult because you don't usually have the chance to learn French - after taking this class, classmates who didn't know French at all can pronounce French words nicely and have simple conversations with local people in France! In particular, if you are planning a trip to France, you can quickly take this class in a short time and learn French expressions that are often used during the trip. It's a basic French conversation class, but if you enjoy listening to the class as if you were playing a game, without difficult grammar or complicated explanations, you'll start speaking and listening to French without even knowing:)

I'm going to learn something like this

From the pronunciation of the French alphabet

Even essential French expressions for each situation!


  • Pronounce the French alphabet quickly and easily, even for beginners who are new to French
  • Short and useful local French travel phrases for bakeries, cafes, restaurants, bars and supermarkets

파리 야경 투어 가이드 활동

  • Joe-sam, a former Paris night view tour guide in Paris, France, shares the latest Paris travel tips
  • French culture and travel manners that become difficult locally if you don't know

After taking this class?

World-class French culture

You'll get a chance to enjoy it properly

  • Even beginners who don't know French at all will have basic French skills
  • I feel the thrill of being able to communicate with real local French people in French
  • Learn travel tips from a former tour guide that will make your trip to France 100 times easier and more enjoyable
  • Learning interesting knowledge about French food and art makes the trip much more enjoyable.


Classes for these people

Beginning with French beginners

For those who are about to travel to France

  • Those who want to improve basic French skills (beginners can also take it)
  • Those who wanted to learn French but were hesitant because they thought it would be difficult (I'm having fun teaching)
  • Those who are about to travel to France (I will teach you French for travel)
  • People who want to experience how friendly French people are (knowing French makes you friendly)
  • Those who want to order and buy directly from France (you can travel freely in France)
  • People who are interested in delicious French cuisine and desserts (experience it yourself locally in France)

Class stubbornness rewards

Steamed French Paris restaurants map

&Paris transport map

  • To the stubborn classmates of this class, Joe-sam will be rewarded with a “Paris, France Gourmet Map” created by Joe-sam based on recommendations from locals and international students in Paris, France. Please use the following method to apply for rewards after completing the class:)
  1. After completing the class, Class 101 App My Page > My Class > Capture an image of Joe-sam completing 100% of her classes
  2. Image capture of commenting on each of the 3 Cebu lectures in the Joe Tutor Class, regardless of which course is in Cebu
  3. Capture images of 1-2 Zoe Tutor Instagram If you authenticate via DM, we'll give you a reward link to a restaurant map!

프랑스어 인스타 컨텐츠

  • In addition to the rewards for taking the above classes, we will also provide a “Paris Transportation Map” showing major tourist spots in Korean as lesson materials for Joe-sam's class details. Please check the 'Course Materials' tab carefully!

2 reasons why this class is special

❶ French the most French language!

Overwhelmingly fun French teacher Joe-sam's class

The main appeal of the Joe-Tutor Class is its “overwhelming fun.” The stereotype that “French is difficult” will be shattered. What I've heard from all the students I've taught so far is that Joe-sam's French is not difficult and “fun.” It's not like studying, it's not like a class, but you can hear French without even knowing it, and the French pops out, and you'll do it too!


The core of French is accurate and elegant pronunciation like a native speaker! Just like the pronunciation I heard in French movies and chansons! You will be able to speak French with simple and fun explanations that are accurate and easy to understand. The following Hangul pronunciation is added to all French expressions, so even first-time French learners can easily follow them.

❷ Even beginners in France can apply it directly locally

A class full of practicality

The core of this class is “fun” and “practicality.” After taking this class, you'll feel like a travel guidebook and a French conversation book all in one. It is a course created by thoroughly considering and selecting only the most commonly used expressions that are essential when traveling through the experience of teaching many students over many years.

At the end of the course, you can role-play how the expressions you learned in the lecture are used in practice. If you enjoy the lessons while laughing and having fun as if you were playing a game, you'll fall in love with French at some point!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

클래스와 함께하면 효과적인

추가 구성품을 소개합니다.

우측 기본 옵션(VOD)으로 설정된 상태에서 '구매하기' 버튼 클릭 시,

다음 추가 구성품 페이지에서 원하는 추가 구성품을 선택해 구매할 수 있습니다. (평생소장 오픈 기념 할인 판매 중)

옵션1. 클래스 전용 전자책 Only

옵션2. 클래스 전용 전자책(옵션1과 동일) + 조에쌤이 녹음한 발음 듣기 파일


옵션1. [전자책] 조에쌤 여행 프랑스어 전용 전자책 Only

클래스와 쎄뚜로 학습하면 수강 효과를 2배로 올려주는 조에쌤의 여행 프랑스어 전용 전자책입니다. 클래스와 함께 들어도 좋고, 클래스를 수강하고 나서 복습하는 시간이나 이동하는 시간에 틈틈이 보면서 VOD에서 배웠던 내용을 다시 연습하기에 좋은 학습 자료입니다.

📣 언어는 어릴때 배우지 않으면 소용없다구요?

그렇다면 20살에 프랑스어를 처음 접해 단 6개월만에 현지인처럼 말하게 된 조에쌤의 모든 비법을 다 알려드릴게요! 이 책은 ‘ [생존필수] 왕초보도 OK 배우면 바로 써먹는 실전 여행 프랑스어 ’ 강의 내용을 책으로 엮은 교재입니다.

파리 현지 야경투어 전문가이드가 만든 프랑스 여행전 최고의 선택, 아쉬움 하나 없이 제대로 프랑스를 즐길 수 있게 만든 책! 쓸데 없는 정보가너무 많은 가이드북은 NO !

강의를 들으며 같이 활용하면 더욱 좋지만, 강의 없이 교재만으로도 충분한 효과를 볼 수 있도록 구성했습니다.또 분량 상 강의에는 미처 담지 못한 흥미로운 문화이야기와 여행 꿀팁들도 전자책에 가득 담았습니다!

📍 프랑스 제대로 즐기기 가이드북 :

실전 프랑스어에 대해 조에쌤만의 꿀팁들을 추가하여 총 3가지 챕터들로 나누어 제작된 파일입니다.

📍 이 책의 장점 # 1

프랑스어 + 프랑스문화 + 여행정보를 단 한 권으로 완벽하게 압축

언어와 문화는 언제나 한 세트죠! 단순한 ‘관광’이 아닌 진정한 ‘여행’을 위해 여행꿀팁 뿐만 아니라 여행하며 우리가 만나게 될 프랑스의 매너, 문화, 예술, 음식 등 흥미롭고 재미있는 이야기들을 넣었어요.

📍이 책의 장점 # 2

왕초보도 바로 따라할 수 있는 쉬운 표현과 발음기호

한글의 위대함! 모든 프랑스어 단어 아래 최대한 원어 발음을 살려 ‘한글 발음’으로 표시해 두었어요. 프랑스어를 처음 접하는 왕초보도 그냥 한글 발음을 따라 읽기만 하면 프랑스어가 술술 나온다구요. 함께 들어있는 발음 파일과 클래스 101 강의를 활용하면 더 완벽하죠!

📍이 책의 장점 # 3

이미지로 바로 보는 프랑스어

실제 여행을 하는 것처럼 생생한 이미지 파일을 많이 넣었어요! 책상에 앉아서 공부하는게 아닌 마치 여행 예행 연습 같은 비주얼의 이미지 북이에요.

옵션2. [듣기 파일 포함] 조에쌤의 프랑스 제대로 즐기기 가이드북

옵션1과 동일한 전자책에 조에쌤이 직접 녹음한 듣기 파일까지 함께 들어볼 수 있는 상품입니다. 좀 더 원어민 같은 발음에 집중해 연습해 보고 싶다면, 옵션2를 선택해 주세요!

🚚 다운로드 상품 관련 안내 입니다.

  • 다운로드 상품은 다운로드 이후 환불이 불가합니다.

  • 단순변심으로 환불을 원하시는 경우 다운로드를 받지 않으신 경우에만 7일 이내 가능합니다.

  • 다운로드 파일은 구매 후 마이페이지 > 주문 및 배송 탭에서 다운로드가 가능합니다.



Zoe tutor

Professional French teacher

오르세미술관 센느강 앞에서

📌 [Current] Representative lecturer of French for light learning

📌 [Prefecture] Private French lessons/ One day classes

📌 [All] Paris Night View Tour Guide

Q. Did you come to France when you were young?

No! I, Joe-sam, learned French for the first time when she was 20 years old and an adult. Like all of you, I first came across French as a “foreign language,” and I've been studying and studying hard until now. Many people are curious when they hear this story.

20살 angers 앙제에서 프랑스어를 공부하는 조에쌤

Q. I didn't come here to live, so why did you do that

Can you pronounce French nicely?

A. That's because I really love French! Joe-sam really likes French language and culture. While studying French, I wanted to speak like a French person and pronounce like a native speaker. After intense analysis and practice, I finally came up with a French pronunciation that is recognized by the French people. And while teaching students, I realized that the way I studied French worked for everyone. I want to share that secret with all of you.

Q. Isn't it too difficult to learn French for the first time?

A. This is Joe-sam's favorite quote. “Tutor, French isn't difficult, it's fun!”

Have you heard a lot about “French is difficult”? Once you learn it, it won't be as difficult as you might think; rather, you'll fall in love with its charm! French can be difficult, but Joe-sam's French is really fun and easy!

“Parler une autre langue, c'est avoir une autre âme.

Speaking a different language means having a different soul.

- Charlemagne -

Learning French is an opportunity to fully enjoy French culture, such as world-class French fashion, cuisine, art, music, and architecture. Regardless of your age, occupation, or gender, French will be the key to taking you to a wider place and a better place. I hope that the wonderful things Joe-sam experienced will continue to all of you.

Zoe tutor class's

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조에쌤의 골때리는 프랑스어

조에쌤의 골때리는 프랑스어

조에쌤의 하루한잔 프랑스어

조에쌤의 하루한잔 프랑스어

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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