
[Intermediate] Chat GPT Online Automation Revenue Master Class

6 chapters · 3 hours 56 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean
  • By using Chat GPT, you can do creative and engaging branding and marketing while saving time and money. You can also generate revenue by creating and operating your own business through ChatGPT.
  • This book teaches you step by step from the basic principles of Chat GPT to how to apply it to practice, so readers can become Chat GPT experts and increase their value 100 times
  • The authors share examples and know-how of successfully applying ChatGPT in practice based on over 10 years of branding and marketing experience. The authors are recognized as leading figures in the Chat GPT field through various activities such as lectures and published books related to Chat GPT.
  • We can unconditionally use it in practice, and we will make you a first-mover that moves the market by using the latest chat GPT information faster than anyone else

😊 Nice to meet you, creator!

Please feel free to talk about the creator's class in the class introduction. A class introduction page will be created based on what you have written. It is very helpful to understand the creator's class if you include as many different contents as possible regardless of the format.

Before I introduced the class, I shared it with you Class introduction writing guidePlease be sure to read it. The intent of the question and examples are included, so you'll be able to write the interview below more easily!

🖼️ Text and special characters cannot be inserted into the image that will be attached to the class introduction. Please be sure to check it when choosing an image!


Class introduction

① What are the concerns of students taking Creator's class?

② What kind of help can students with that problem get from the class?

③ Based on what I've written so far, let's summarize the creator's class in 2 to 3 lines.

Recommended class

① Who are the students you would like to recommend to the Creator's class?

② What do students want to learn in class? Please write in consideration of the situation and level of the students!

Course effect

① What are you going to teach in class? (at least 3)

② So what kind of things can students learn or get results from the Creator's class? (at least 3)

Course effect image

  1. If students have results to take after completing the class, please post 1 to 3 related photos.
  2. If there are no results, another image describing the class would also be nice.

Class differentiation

① What's special about the Creator's class? Please answer any of the questions below that apply. Feel free to ask questions other than questions. (at least 2)

  1. What is unique about being a creator? (Confidence, proven teaching ability, successful experience)
  2. Is there anything special about the creator's curriculum? (uniqueness, scarcity, organicity, etc.)
  3. Are there any course reviews after listening to the creator's online or offline courses?
  4. Are there any student benefits offered for free in Creator's Class?

② Have you ever created a class in Class 101? If so, what are the differences compared to the previous class? (If not, omit)

Class-differentiating image

  1. If you have a picture of the creator working hard on a lecture or activity, please post it.
  2. If you have an image that can prove your review of the course, please post it. (Example: KakaTalk capture)
  3. If you have an image where students can get a glimpse of the curriculum, please attach it. (e.g. recipe recipes, portfolio template images, etc.)
  4. If you have a physical image of the student benefits offered free of charge in the class, please post it.
  5. If you have any other photos related to the above, you can also attach additional photos.

Pre-course notes

① What do students need to prepare before attending the Creator's class?

  1. Is there any prior knowledge required?
  2. Are there any programs or PC specs I need?
  3. If there are any programs or PC specifications you need, please also tell us about the creator's work environment.

🏃‍♂️ Kids: Are there any related courses related to the subject of this class?

Class Kit · Coaching Session

김윤경x허민 크리에이터가 직접 답변해 주는

코칭권을 소개합니다🔥

1. [1:1 텍스트 코칭권] - 1회 / 질문 3가지

2. [1:1 화상 코칭권] - 30분

🚩 텍스트 코칭권 이용방법

- 1,3챕터 (브랜딩+부캐만들기) 코칭 : 김윤경 대표

- 2,4챕터 (플랫폼 활용+수익화) 코칭 : 허민 대표

  • 코칭권 1회당 3개의 질문이 가능합니다. (1명의 크리에이터가 답변해 드립니다.)
  • 1개의 질문 당 200자 내외의 답변을 작성하여 보내드립니다.
  • 평소 궁금했던 부분이나 현 상태에 대해 적극적으로 코칭해 드립니다.
  • 홈페이지, 유튜브, 블로그, 인스타그램 링크를 전달해 주시면 더 섬세한 코칭이 가능합니다.

🚩 화상 코칭권 이용방법

  • 코칭 일정은 크리에이터님과의 협의를 통해 정하실 수 있습니다.
  • 코칭 질문으로 크리에이터님께 오픈 채팅방 링크를 요청해 주세요.
  • 해당 코칭은 줌(Zoom 또는 구글밋)을 통해 이루어지며, 줌 링크는 카카오톡 오픈채팅방을 통해 전달받으실 수 있습니다.
  • 챗 GPT 프롬프트에 대해서 같이 실행해 보면서 결과를 확인해 드립니다.
  • 바드, 챗GPT, 빙챗, 뤼튼, 노션, 미드저니 등 다양한 챗GPT를 통해서 결과를 같이 살펴볼 수 있습니다.
  • 이미지 생성, 텍스트 생성, 영상 생성 등 다양한 콘텐츠 생성 방법을 눈으로 직접 보면서 코칭 받을 수 있습니다.



Yoonkyung Kim

Yoonkyung Kim

  • As the CEO and founder of the Fandom Funnel company, he easily discovers his limitless possibilities, appeal, knowledge, and know-how, completes personal branding (booker), increases one's own value, and helps generate actual revenue.

  • Through this, we enhance self-efficacy, grow more through self-discovery and reflection, and create a global personal value communication platform to share one's talents with an open mind.

  • As a global fandom funnel that grows together, stimulates, and inspires, we are creating a global fandom culture that grows explosively by helping people achieve “value up your greatness” and providing surprises beyond expectations through this.







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Notes on Copyright Protection
  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801