
Automate website creation and CRM tasks with no code

7 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

1 Class Projects

It takes about 2 weeks hour(s) to complete each project.

  • A website containing my services

Skills You’ll Learn

Understanding no-code tools

Features and usage methods of Softr, Airtable, and Zapier

Create web pages without coding

Create websites for various purposes, from landing pages to landing pages with Softr

Work automation

Create automated customer response systems with Zapier, an automated no-code tool

Building a database

Identify customer actions by linking data with websites using Airtable

About the class

Example) Please enter as much detail as possible about what you learned in the class and information about the creator.

Final Cut Pro 2022's latest Korean class has been revealed. We share all the know-how gained through 4 years on YouTube, over 500 Final Cut Pro Editors, and video editing practices. Edit videos using Final Cut Pro, which has an intuitive interface and an overwhelming work speed compared to similar PCs! I'll teach you the basics in detail so that even beginners can easily follow along.

We are releasing the “Easy, Fast, and Cheap No-Code Development Introduction” class. In this class, you can experience firsthand various development processes, from how to create a website using Softr, which is a no-code tool, how to link a database, how to build an automated customer service system, and how to create a membership management system.

The creators who conduct the training are talented people who have planned, developed, and operated a service that has been in operation for over a year with no code from the beginning. Presentations and training were conducted as Softr user representatives at Korea's largest no-code community, and a number of no-code and new business workshops were held for companies and universities. We have also produced a number of company prototypes and personal products using no code.

This class is recommended for those who are interested in development using no code, those who have no development knowledge but want to create their own website, and those who want to build efficient work automation. Through this class, you'll learn the know-how to quickly and efficiently bring your own ideas to life. I'll teach you the basics in detail so that even beginners can easily follow along.

Implement any project with no code! Let's go into the world of no-code development together!

Course effects

Example) “Please write 3 or more course effects in the bullet points below.”

  • Beginners who don't know anything about video editing can easily learn video editing processes and skills.

  • You can learn about chroma key features commonly used in private broadcasts.

  • You can create more colorful videos in a short time through paid template purchase sites and methods of use.

  • You can develop an overall understanding of no-code development and experience in creating practical websites.

  • You can learn how to create landing pages and web pages for various purposes using no-code website builders such as Softr.

  • You can learn how to use Airtable to design a database without code and integrate it with a website.

  • You can learn how to better serve users through features such as data filtering, sorting, searching, and tagging.

  • You can learn how to use Zapier to automate tasks such as responding to customers, sending emails, and text messages.

  • You can learn how to run your own website more professionally by implementing a membership management system, connecting to your own domain, and analyzing data with Google Analytics.

Recommended target

Example) “Please write three or more groups of recommended targets in the bullet points below.”

  • Those who have a MAC and are interested in video editing

  • Those who bought Final Cut Pro but are leaving it unattended

  • Those who have Final Cut Pro and only use cut editing and subtitles

  • Those who are interested in creating websites but have no development knowledge

  • Founders and planners who want to quickly bring their ideas or services to market

  • Businesses and freelancers who want to automate repetitive tasks and create an efficient work environment

  • No-code tool users who want to have knowledge about database management and utilization

Notes before taking the course

Example: “Please enter the recommended PC specifications or the program version you are using.”

  • This class will be taught in the Korean version of Final Cut Pro 10.6.4.

  • Practice is only possible using a MAC PC and Final Cut Pro.

  • This class is mainly conducted using the Softr, Airtable, and Zapier platforms.

  • All exercises are web-based, so they are not tied to specific operating systems or PC specifications. However, a stable Internet connection is required for a smooth course.

  • Softr, Airtable, and Zapier each offer most of the features in the free version, but you may need a paid version to use some of the advanced features. The classes focus on the features provided in the free version.

  • We recommend using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. It may not work properly with older browsers or some mobile browsers.

  • Other than that, you may incur additional costs for connecting to your own domain, etc. Instructions for this will be given separately within the class.

N reasons why this class is special


❶ Attribute training that prioritizes essential skills

Mashmap baking and mask usage are the foundation of all of Substance Painter's features. You must prioritize learning over any other course. In this way, we shared the essential functions and application functions that students should learn, and the core skills were also organized in a practical manner according to priority. Confused by so much information? Now you can learn the skills you need in an effective order through classes.

<video or photo>

Providing practical no-code development experience

This class is designed to go beyond simply teaching how to use a no-code tool, to experience the entire process of planning, developing, and operating an actual service. Thus, students can develop not only theoretical knowledge of no-code development, but also practical skills.

<Insert 2 or more images or videos>

  • The images should focus on the results after creating the class.

  • If you would like to add a personal portfolio, please fill in the details below.

  • Example) Chapters 1-3. Portfolio creation example image

Direct guidance from talented creators

Based on the experience of planning, developing, and operating a service that has been in operation for over 1 year with no code from the beginning, the creator directly conveys the know-how of no-code development. Through this, students can also learn the strategic mindset and technical knowledge required for no-code development.

<Insert 2 or more images or videos>

  • The images should focus on the results after creating the class.

  • If you would like to add a personal portfolio, please fill in the details below.

  • Example) Chapters 1-3. Portfolio creation example image

Use of various no-code tools

This class uses various no-code tools such as Softr, Airtable, and Zapier to perform processes such as website creation, database integration, and business automation. Through this, students can understand the connections between no-code tools and develop the ability to select optimal solutions based on the characteristics of each tool.

Class Curriculum1

No-code website creation without developers, basic business automation

Class details

Course started on September 26, 2023
Rookie Difficulty · Video 22 · Attached file 0
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles


No Code Hamster

No Code Hamster

Hello, I'm a creator with experience starting a new business through no-code development. When the company wanted to start a new business, it had an idea but had no IT knowledge. When I received an estimate for outsourced development, the cost was huge and the time period was quite long. Seeing this, I thought I'd try to implement only basic functions with no code myself.

We started without knowing anything, and after struggling, we were able to launch the IT service in two and a half months. Currently, as of September '23, it has been in operation for 1 year, and sales have been rising steadily. In this process, I experienced the power of no-code development.

[Photograph representing the creator]

Currently, I am presenting and training as a Softr user representative at the largest no-code community in Korea, and I have held a number of no-code and new business workshops for companies and universities. You will also improve your understanding of no-code development, and you will be able to feel the power of no-code by actually creating a website. Would you like to join me in the world of no code? We look forward to a time of growing together!

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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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