Class introduction
Why learn pivot tables?
This is Excel data analysis's Core featuresThat's because.
What if I learn pivot tables?
✅ You can do quick and easy calculations and summaries without functions.
✅ Combining and switching between various variables is easy.
✅ Automated analysis report generation becomes easier.
✅ Visualization of dynamic data becomes possible.
This class allows anyone to easily and quickly analyze data in their daily lives and practices, and is dynamic
This is a course for learning Excel pivot tables so that you can create automated reports.
Start the problem solving process through data analysis with this lesson!
Course effect
- Data analysis using pivot tables becomes possible.
- You can use pivot tables and pivot charts to visualize data.
- Data filtering becomes possible so that the required data can be analyzed intensively.
- You can learn how to create an Excel dashboard using slices and timelines.
- You can learn advanced analytical techniques using various computations and data summary techniques and value display formats.
Recommended target
- People who want to solve business problems through data analysis
- People who regularly write data-based reports
- People who want to try data analysis but can't afford to learn R and Python
- People who have had the experience of quitting studying Excel because it was boring and difficult
Pre-course notes
This course will serve as players' knowledge from other Excel lessons. That means you don't need any other player knowledge.
I'm confident that even if you haven't used Excel or have used it very little, you won't have trouble taking this class.
Here, “a little bit” refers to cases where you have experience using the SUM function.
3 reasons why this class is special
❶ Hands-on lectures for all courses
All courses are hands-on, so that you can follow and learn together as you take classes.
Excel is not a tool for learning by eye, but rather a tool for learning by typing and pressing directly.
❷ Study with actual public data
The entire course is taught using a single data set, just like the actual one.
Since we proceed with data similar to the data we encounter in practice, it is possible to improve the learning effect.
❸ Curriculum of how to conduct a practical analysis project
The class curriculum starts with the data preprocessing stage and is completed with a dashboard Practical analysis projectIt was made according to the order of Also, all menu configurations are organized using the names of actual Excel menus.
Class Curriculum1
Class details
Jaewan Choi
It is the last person who helps individuals and organizations continue to grow with optimal Excel and Power BI training and e-learning content.
- Book: It works! Practical Excel at the end of the day with Pivot Table
- VOD lecture: The final Excel Pivot Table Master Class and many others
- Corporate lectures: Chungcheongnam-do Office of Education, Korea Management Association, Art Management Support Center, Daewoo E&C, KT, SK Hystech, and many others
- Experience: Approximately 16 years (e-commerce startup COO, logistics team leader, customs corporation customs clearance team leader)