14 chapters · 3 hours 24 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Cho Jung-chi talks about the irresistible six strings and life as a guitarist

In addition to getting to know the extraordinariness of guitar, you can learn the know-how of Creator Cho Jung-chi that will help you develop guitar performance skills and abilities.

이런 분에게 추천해요

  • For those who want to know A to Z of the guitar

  • For those who want to learn tips on arranging new and existing songs in different styles

  • For those who are curious about general guitar gears and the gears used by creator Cho Jung-chi

  • For those who want to know practical tips to enjoy playing the guitar


I think a brand new guitar just made also shares the long history and memory of the instrument guitar.

Accomplished guitarist Cho Jung-chi!

Cho Jung-chi, who has been a session guitarist for numerous musicians since his debut in 2010, has continued his career as a singer-songwriter, having released three albums and establishing himself as a skillful music arranger.

Although humble about his career achievements, his story shows passion and ambition as a guitarist, and his philosophy on music speaks otherwise. Through ViBLE, Cho Jung-chi shares how he came to walk his fate as a guitarist and everything he loves about 'guitar' after first encountering the instrument as a young boy.

The class also includes practical advice for aspiring professionals, interesting guitar information, helpful practice methods for beginners, various guitar gears that will catch your eyes and ears, guitar sound recording techniques, and the qualities to become a good guitarist.

Cho Jung-chi's lecture will give pleasure to those who dream of becoming a guitarist and everyone curious about the instrument guitar.

"I think a brand new guitar just made also shares the long history and memory of the instrument guitar."

Cho Jung-chi is still exploring the unknown world of "guitar" although it has been nearly 30 years.

It is now your turn to join this adventure!

Q & A

Q. What is the right-hand guitar practice for beginners?

Often beginners become too stressed about playing the left-hand chords well, but frankly, playing the right-hand chords matters. But experience has shown that right-handed technique takes too long to get used to and understand. So this time, I would like to introduce you to right-handed techniques that you learn naturally by getting used to the guitar. It is a 16-bit technique, so the standard is to hit it sixteen times per bar, but forget everything and think that you are practicing this stroke pattern. Once you get familiar with this pattern, you can play most songs; slow, fast, sad, and even upbeat songs. The key is applying an accent at the right moment. (Please watch the Class videos for examples of various performances!)

Q. What was the most challenging part as a guitarist?

What I had the most difficulty with was singing and playing the guitar without any other instruments. It was challenging because I was new to singing. Because I had never sung on a stage, I did not understand why singers were sensitive, but when I tried singing myself, I felt uncomfortable singing because of the sound of the drum, bass, and other instruments. The instrumentalists have to create a 'space' for the singer to sing because, without it, singing is challenging. Once I began to sing, it was only then when I learned how the song should harmonize with the instruments and how to create space.

Q. What is Cho Jung-chi's arrangement style?

When I arrange a song, I work with the identity of a guitarist. It means I try to reveal my personality as a guitarist in the arrangement where the guitar is the main element, the part where the guitar ad-lib is well exposed, and even when the guitar plays a minor role that is not well exposed. I have been an arranger for a while, but my work style is to think more from the perspective of the musician and present opinions, and work together in collaboration rather than taking complete control. It is not a very common situation. It is the role of the arranger to organize the direction or reference that the composer wants. (Please watch the video for examples of arranging the existing song into a new style!)

Q. Do you have any final advice you want to give to "recording artists" who are about to produce an album?

If you are a musician starting for the first time, the album production process is pretty much over when you hand over the jacket design and the master file to the distributor or CD production center on the set date. When it is released, the joy only lasts momentarily, and nothing happens.

But you must continue to do music, no matter how trivial, even without any support. You have to remember that what you do afterward is 100 times more burdensome than releasing a song. Please remember that releasing an album includes the effort of playing the music here and there.



Cho Jung-chi

Cho Jung-chi



  • 2010 | <Our Beautiful Love Story> 'Love Is Such a Glass of Soju', 'You and Me'

  • 2013 | <Yoojak> 'When Winter Comes (feat. Jung Joonil)', 'Last Words'

  • 2018 | <3> 'Perks of Break Up (feat. Fromm)', 'Taste of Love (feat. KINIE.K)'

As featured artist

  • 2010 | <Monthly Project 2010 June Yoon Jong Shin> 'At the Dentist'

Band Guitarist of "Shin Chi-rim"

  • 2012 | Album <Episode 1: Travel>, Single <Unknown Number>

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