
Data classes for Jailaer MD

6 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

MD basic data analysis

You will be able to derive insights by analyzing basic e-commerce indicators such as GMV

How to use Excel & Google Sheets

Excel and Google Sheets make it easier and faster to analyze data

Establishing a data-based product strategy

You will be able to plan products that solve problems and increase sales with data

“I also want to analyze data and talk about it with evidence.”

Sometimes when the MDs I worked with shared their inner feelings,

I was able to see that many of my colleagues and juniors were struggling with numbers and data.

“It's not about experience or intuition,

I also want to analyze data and make an opinion based on evidence.

But I haven't had a chance to learn it, so I can't do it.” They said

Those words were so unfortunate and stuck in my mind

I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help

What I've built up while working as an MD for the past 10 years

Know-how to make data-driven decisions and how to develop strategiesI decided to summarize and share

MDs who participated in a small-group session after work

I was very proud to hear you say, “Now I have a little confidence in data analysis.”

I planned this course with the hope that it will be helpful to more juniors

This class is more than a simple skill for them,

I started with the hope that I could be a small guide in a difficult situation.

If you also have these concerns, listen to the lecture and feel free to talk about it!

“Design a more competitive MD career with data analysis”

I am proud that you will gain important growth points as an MD through this course

1. Confidence in data analysis

Many MDs have vague fears about “numbers” and “data.”

This course teaches you the basics of data analysis step by step,

The process of actually defining a problem and deriving a solution based on data

It covers it in an organized manner

The course will give you the confidence to understand and handle data!

2. Ability to develop evidence-based strategies

We don't just make decisions based on experience and intuition,

Learn how to create compelling strategies based on evidence supported by data

1) Define the problem through data and

2) Formulate an accurate hypothesis

3) While learning the process of deriving optimal solutions through hypothesis testing

Your ability to think logically and solve problems will definitely grow!

3. A springboard for career expansion

In the MD role, data analysis and strategy formulation are becoming increasingly important

What is covered in this course

As an MD, not only is it about becoming a talented person with expertise and competitiveness and experiencing various workplaces

It's not just limited to your current job

1) Expanding roles into strategic planning, product planning, etc.

2) Expand your career into specialized fields such as PM and e-commerce consulting

It is a foundation to help develop the competencies needed for Edo






LF (formerly LG Fashion) Planning MD: Responsible category achieved annual sales of 20 billion

Coupang Fashion Category BM (Sales MD): Responsible brand's annual sales increased by 220% compared to the previous year

Ideas Sales MD: Designing performance and data analysis dashboards


This is MD's sister who teaches the essential MD competency 'data utilization ability'

From how to view and read key indicators, how to analyze them,

I'll kindly share the know-how to establish a product strategy based on this

“Why did sales drop? How can I increase sales?”

My head hurt constantly identifying the cause of the problem, formulating strategies, and solving them.

After I learned that there was a clue in the data, the results followed by themselves.

I'll share with you all the key points of my secret notes that I've been building up for 10 years!

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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