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Skills You’ll Learn

Master the practical (beginner, intermediate, advanced) functions of Pygma with a music streaming app clone

Lemon Music clone design to practical Pygma functionality and prototyping

I'll properly scrape the itchy part while learning Pygma!

These are comments on the free Pygma lecture video on my YouTube <Designer Garden>.

“I learned Pygma, but I can't put it into practice.”

“I want to learn the core features of Pygma as soon as possible.”

Nowadays, UIUX designers are basically required to have the ability to handle pygma.

Pygma is functionally common with Photoshop and Illustrator, so if you've used Adobe tools, there's no problem even visually designing an app or web with Pygma. So even if you use it a little bit, you can think it handles Pygma well. (Me too, that was the case at first..)

However, there is a lack of understanding of functions for responsive design, components for building design systems, and design tokens. Also, since you're learning functionality in part, it's difficult to apply the features you've learned when creating an app or web.

In order to deal with Pygma, which is closer to 'design' than design, it is necessary to understand the principles of function and experience practical work through various examples.. To do this, we need examples and repetitive exercises that can really help.

How to do it more properly,

Can I quickly learn Pygma and apply it in practice?

For those who have learned Pygma but are in a situation where they are unable to use it properly, and for many people who want to derive practical results from learning Pygma, we have prepared a course that can be immediately applied to UIUX design.

Since it was designed for people who want to grow into UIUX designers, pygma functions applied to practical design 'Music streaming app clone design'I will teach you through

“Clone design” means designing while following a result, but it does not aim to simply follow it. It covers everything from the beginning, process, and production of results, such as why this function should be used, how it works, how to use it in the future, and what to consider as a designer. Also, you can learn how to analyze and design an overall structure.

In other words, rather than offering good-looking fish, I'll tell you “how to catch good fish.”

While creating a music streaming app from Global Company A

Let's learn all the practical functions of Pygma and the application of prototyping!

Because it is an age where UIUX designs that respond to the size of devices such as mobile, pad, and PC are required It is carried out with the basic goal of 'responsive design', where internal elements are designed to respond according to the size of the frame.

For responsive design, you need to be good at autolayout, resizing, and constraints. This feature is the reason Pygma exists and can be said to be the most difficult and complex design tool. 😓 However, if you learn over and over while cloning Lemon Music, you'll learn it naturally in your hands and be able to make it respond to any design!

If you want an iterative, consistent, and efficient design Component, property, and variant functionsYou must be able to handle it. I'll teach you the principles of when to use it and how to use it from the basics and help you apply it in practice!

A design system isn't created and started from scratch. Have fun building styles, components, design tokens, etc. step by step as you design:)

Prototypes are made by connecting frames designed by oneself. If you're a UIUX designer, you need to be able to create a moving prototype that can actually be tested by users to evaluate usability.

Prototyping also requires understanding the principles to implement various interactions, so I'll focus on the “process for connecting” rather than focusing on “connection.”

I made this course with the sincere hope that everyone can learn Pygma easily and in a fun way.

Would you like to start a clone with me now?


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