Beginner's Guide to Vegetarianism by Vegetarian Teacher Choi So-ryong

8 chapters · 4 hours 23 minutes
Korean|Audio Korean

About the class

Hallo This is Veggie Shaolong, a master vegetarian. Vegetarianism is both a healthy diet and the best way to save nature. However, despite the advantages of such a good vegetarian diet, I wasn't able to understand the specific method of “how to actually eat a vegetarian diet.” Through this class, I would like to share with you the vegetarian know-how and correct knowledge about nutrition that I have learned through trial and error over the past 4 years and experience the joy of vegetarianism.

Vegetarianism also has its way. I'll walk with you.

Course effect

  • Fear of vegetarianism can disappear by learning all about the overall process of becoming vegan through eating habits.
  • Anyone can start a vegetarian diet right away with a basic vegetarian guide that has convinced me through successful experiences.
  • By getting the right information about vegetarian nutrition, health-related concerns disappear.

Recommended target

  • Those who have vague fears or concerns about vegetarianism
  • Those who want to continue dieting through a vegetarian diet
  • For a healthy diet Those who want to get the right information about vegetarianism

3 reasons why this class is special

❶ Overcoming the fear of vegetarianism

“My vegetables don't taste good, what should I do?” , “What the hell should I eat if I'm a vegetarian?” , “What if I'm a vegetarian and want to eat meat?” , “Is it possible to eat a vegetarian diet in Korea?” You can get solutions to all the problems and difficulties you may face while eating a vegetarian diet.

❷ Familiar Vegetarianism: Use Knowledge to Drive Vegetarianism

“Eat lots of carbohydrates”, “Vegetables also contain protein”, “You can lose weight without exercise”... You think it's ridiculous?

Actually, they're all right. Vegetarianism is a food eaten with knowledge. If you know well, you can eat well. We will correct misunderstandings by introducing the truth about nutrition, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that we misunderstand, along with stories of experience, and dispel the fear that “nutrition will be insufficient.”

❸ Hone the final skill to complete a vegetarian diet

“Should I almost never starve to eat the news?” , “I think intermittent fasting would be difficult, how can I make it easier?” It conveys accurate information about eating habits that are trending these days. In addition, we will reveal core vegetarian know-how that can be used for a lifetime.





When I was working day and night as a lecturer at a school 7 days a week, I fell into depression for a while because of an uninvited guest who came unexpectedly and “burnout.” I was tormented by strangling anger and self-doubt, and I thought “I'm being forced to live” day by day. At some point, life felt meaningless.

However, I chose intermittent fasting as my next best option because I was a coward who didn't have the courage to completely stop eating and drinking and get along with the world. I had no idea that this intermittent fasting would help revive my tired body and mind. Furthermore, I rethought “what is food” and experienced the paradoxical truth that “you must not eat to be healthy.”

Based on this experience, I tried a natural plant-based diet (a vegan diet that excludes even oils, including processed foods), based on the suggestions I received from my wife, and as a result, I have been living a vegan life until now. The vegan diet has had a huge impact on me. In addition to changes in food and taste, I became a completely different person than before the vegetarian diet because of changes in my body, changes in values, and even the direction I wanted to live. Even my family (my wife, me, and our two daughters) are all vegan. I love and am satisfied with my life now.

Vegan eating habits are no longer a topic for others. I think it's the best tool and last resort that can not only save the world, but also save ourselves. I think that if you can save yourself first, you can save the world eventually, so I hope I can help you save your body from lethargy in life, pain due to lifestyle diseases, and diets first.

Also, one of the reasons I was able to succeed in a vegetarian diet was my wife who shared food with me. The joy of being a vegetarian doubled as we enjoyed and shared the flavors of vegetables, talked about the changes our bodies felt, and went through the concerns about vegetarianism that came up every time. If we go together, we can go far. I'll be your vegetarian friend.





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  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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