
Let's take a proper look into my heart. Mind Healing Tarot Cards

10 chapters · 3 hours 36 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Tarot cards
4 Class Projects

It takes about 15 minutes to 30 minutes hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Alternative arrangement methods - How to find out about the future of options

  • How to arrange relationships - How to find out about relationships with friends, colleagues, and family

  • How to arrange Magic Stars - How to get advice for the future

  • Horoscope arrangement method - How to find out the comprehensive horoscope

Skills You’ll Learn

22 major tarot cards

Understand the tendencies of yourself and those around you through the meaning of major cards

16 court tarot cards

Identify action types through the meanings of king, queen, knight, and servant cards

40 suit tarot cards

Learn what wand, sword, cup, and pentacle cards mean

Alternative arrangement method

How to determine the future of the situation you're trying to choose

How to arrange relationships

How to find out about relationships with friends, colleagues, and family

How to arrange Magic Stars

How to get advice about the future

How to arrange a horoscope

How to find out the comprehensive horoscope


I'm Ho Soo Sam, a guide to the mysterious and fun world of tarot cards.

I am currently teaching tarot cards at the Cultural Center, and I meet a variety of people, such as those who are worried about the future, those who cannot make a definite decision, or who are anxious about the uncertain present. For those people, through tarot cards Peace of mindWe are here to help you solve your problems on your own.

I look in the mirror of my heart through tarot cards.

All of us are innumerable ConcernsI live with. From trivial to complex, such as concerns about the future and concerns about improving relationships Various types of stress I live inside.

When I'm lost in the swamp of these problems, tarot cards suggest solutions by illuminating my subconscious mind through questions I ask myself A way outIt plays a role in finding.

It was born from a combination of meanings, symbols, and philosophical themes 78 sheets in totalThe tarot card of is composed of various pictures of animals, plants, humans, gods, etc., and the interpretation varies depending on the psychological state and meaning given to each card.

That's why tarot readers are questioner's Conversations with the subconsciousIt focuses on and helps them find answers on their own. In other words, tarot cards help you have a proper conversation with yourself Healing toolsThat's right.

It's easy for anyone to learn!

Many people use tarot cards Mysterious abilitiesCan only be used by people with Divination toolsYou misunderstand that, but that's not the case at all. It's easy for anyone to learn theory Counseling toolsYou can use it as.

In this class,

A total of 22 Major cards, Chapter 16 Court card, Chapter 40 Suit cardLearn in detail how to interpret and various How to arrangeThrough, you'll learn a variety of ways to predict the future, find out about relationships with friends, colleagues, and family, and finally find out about a comprehensive horoscope!

Let's learn and heal tarot cards thoroughly from theory to simple practical solutions with me!

Goodbye to the hard and difficult things!
Let's have a happy day today without worry or worries~

❗️ Personal questions cannot be answered on the community bulletin board, which is an open space.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

📩 The package is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.

Class Curriculum1

Let's take a proper look into my heart. Mind Healing Tarot Cards

Class details

Course started on July 12, 2019
Rookie Difficulty · Video 31 · Attached file 61
총 3 hours 36 minutes
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles


hosu ssaem

hosu ssaem


Tarot cards for fun, tarot cards to relieve worries.

Teach me a friend of the heart tarot cards that reduce worries

I'm a lake tutor~~^^

While giving a tarot card lecture at the Cultural Center

Find peace of mind through tarot cards

While watching them solve problems like that on their own

I want to do a great program with many people~

I felt like that.

When I'm doing a class

Even if you say something strange at first

More and more genuine stories are being exchanged

I was able to see a lot of people searching for stability.

Tarot cards aren't a tool only available to people with mystical abilities.

It's easy for anyone to learn

It's close to a healing tool you can use.

I hope you will get help to blow away your worries through tarot cards.

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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