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댓글만 남겨도 최신형 아이맥 자동 응모 당첨자 발표

종료된 이벤트입니다. 당첨자를 확인해주세요
이벤트 기간
2021.08.04(수) 09시 00분 ~ 2021.08.31(화) 14시 59분 까지

당첨자 확인
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I want to learn about coding
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I want to learn about digital drawing
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I want to be rich. I'd like to take a lecture from the Americas or Sosum Monkey.
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The 5th grader talks about his dream. Last night in my dream, there was a driver in my house.My mom doesn't play the role of a high school senior, and I'm not alone. I do this and that with my iPad and my mom. I'm not bored, but...When I woke up, I...My family isn't rich, and I'm alone all the time. I'm talking. What did Mr. Pak Seni say? If I say I'm not rich... They say, "Give a lot of food to the prince and lion in your heart." Stay home from Corona.Even at school, I hurriedly put a spoon in and put up the mask. It was a few years ago when I played soccer in the playground. A rich man for a child is rich. I could buy Mom's time. He wants to spend time with his mother. I've been watching kids programs all the time, but I don't know about the kid's personality.That's what you're doing! And then you throw it away.I was always hesitant and upset because of what I did. Tonight, the boy told me... When I become a father later, I've been around and experienced with my child a lot. With the child... Tonight, I'm looking at the golden side. I'm crying because I'm sorry. in a way This corona... I think I made an excuse for playing the role of a parent that I couldn't do. But with class 101 like this, We'll have a chance to share a time of growing memories with a child, smiling. I'm glad... I complained here for a moment;; Quality classes. I hope there's a lot of continuous growth.Please.
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Digital drawing class, stock investment class, subscription account class.
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댓글만 남겨도 최신형 아이맥 자동 응모 당첨자 발표

종료된 이벤트입니다. 당첨자를 확인해주세요
이벤트 기간
2021.08.04(수) 09시 00분 ~ 2021.08.31(화) 14시 59분 까지
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본 이벤트의 경품 및 일정은 본사의 내부 사정으로 언제든지 변경될 수 있습니다.
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당첨자 유의사항
3만원 할인 쿠폰은 매주 월요일 18시까지 지급이 완료됩니다. (7월 5일, 7월 12일, 7월 19일, 7월 26일, 8월 2일 지급예정)
3만원 할인 쿠폰은 [마이페이지(PC) -> 내 쿠폰] 에서 확인 가능합니다.
당첨자는 8월 4일 클래스101 이벤트 당첨자 페이지에서 발표합니다.
당첨자에게 당첨 내용 및 지급 방법은 일괄적으로 8월 9일 18시부터 앱 푸시 및 이메일로 개별 안내드릴 예정입니다.
제세 공과금을 위한 서류는 이메일로 안내한 시간까지 회신이 없을 경우 자동 취소됩니다.
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정보 오기재로 인한 오발송 및 미발송은 이후에 재발송 도움을 드리지 않으니 꼭 확인 바랍니다.
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