찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello!!:) I posted it on the notice. Did you check it? The contents are as below. ------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone~~~~ Merry Christmas. What a pleasant end of the year... ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Are you frustrated with the corona......? I've become a big loser.^^ Hahahaha... crying I mean, there's a lot of questions that you're asking during the lecture. I'm going to leave a comment for one person, but I'm wondering if I can deliver it faster. This is how I made the announcement.~ Photoshop saved it in black and white and brought it to In Design. If you double-click and try to star the image itself, The color swatch window will be disabled. Why is that? He asked me a lot of questions. :) There's a lot of reasons, but the most part of it is. It's when you switch from Photoshop to black and white! It is. You need to open the file and select Gray Shade in Image-Mode~ (The English version of the menu is the same.) Sometimes [Adjustment] designates [Black and white]. In this case, it only changed from RGB to black and white. The mode hasn't changed, so if you bring it to the in-design, you can't color the image itself. For those of you who can't do it even though you changed the mode properly, I know it's inconvenient, but please leave a comment again. (If you post a bad image with it, it'll be good to find out the cause. Now, everyone, cheer up a little bit more!!! Let's all try to beat the Corona! I hope you're all healthy. Merry Christmas!
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