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클래스 스토리2206개의 글

I've drawn a lot of characters, but I haven't really thought about props and room scenery, so it took me a while to figure out what he was using and what the room looked like. But it was so much fun!
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Hi, Harim. I'm Lee Gong. ❣[It took me a while to think about what this guy is going to use and what his room looks like] Oh... That's a great thing to say! Painting is a painting, but the process of imagining and thinking is really hard. ㅠ_ㅠ I'm very happy to see Harim enjoying painting and imagination! The props in the room are also cute and cute! The sense of rounding up to the edge of the desk! ❣fi I'm looking forward to it! Fighting for the next chapter, too! 💓
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It's finally coming up! Can I fill it all at first? I did it, but it was so tight and hard for even me to recognize it, so I organized it again! I didn't know it took me about two hours to write it.I put off organizing, and now I'm done. I thought I knew myself well, but I felt like I organized my gun through a mind map! It was good to have this kind of time thanks to the class. At first, I was going to use Photoshop, but the brush followed too late on my laptop, so I drew a Saitulo Mind Map, a familiar tool. The brush is breaking off even when I come over to the desktop. I have a character that I've made before, and I'm going to take this opportunity to add details to my personality or appearance! After that, I'm going to make a new character.
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Hello, Joohyun! It's a science: ❣ Oh, my God. Thank you for sharing this precious mind map! I read it for a long time while enjoying it because you wrote it with great care and care and care. Thank you so much for participating in the class, Joohyun! Joohyun, who knows what I like, moments, hobbies, and my personality in detail, is a mind map that makes me even more curious! I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of characters will be created through this mind map! Let's keep up the good work!
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+ The phenomenon of late following Photoshop brushes... I guess it's 1 sensitivity problem 2 computer graphic specifications problem! You can check the 1st question at the tablet or the Syntique driver. I'm sorry I couldn't help you. ㅠ_ㅠ!
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I'm so glad you've read it for a long time. I think the computer problem might be big if I follow the Photoshop brush late. I'd like to buy a new laptop.
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Hello! I'm a college student, Gong Yoo, who is spending a long winter vacation. I've really wanted to take this class since it opened, but I heard about the surprise discount coupon and came to take it today! At the end of November of 2018, I drew an orgel from the video of the writer's desk introduction and posted it on Instagram. Do you remember? Since I was a high school student, I have been interested in making goods, so I made rice cake memory and stickers. Now, I started my vacation in the first half of 2020 with a world view of "Cherry Moon Banggu" and made round stickers, mini cards, and business cards! I'm going to make a second-half calendar based on the worldview before the class starts, and I think this class will create a good synergy! I've had a few print experiences, but I'm still in the process of trial and error, and I thought I needed to study printing in my future work, but I'm so happy to hear that! I also want to achieve my goal of participating in a stationery event with my goods in two to three years! I don't know if I can make goods because I will be busy in many ways when the semester starts. I try to work on it from time to time to time. I wanted to go to Seoilpe this time and see the writer. I'm so happy that I can meet you online! I feel more emotional because it's a class taken by a role model. Please take good care of me during the class from now on!
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Hello, Joo-hyun, this is Lee Gong:)❣fi Welcome to the mini goods making class! Let's make a lot of shiny goods from now on! If you have any questions during class, feel free to leave a comment! Fighting! Fighting!
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It took two days. Whoo... I don't like it, but I'm very proud to think I did it 😁 I'll have to work harder! I'm looking forward to the next class.😆
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