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클래스 스토리2917개의 글

It would have been pretty if I put less white in the ocean.Haha
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Hmm.. I think the wave expression is natural and the color came out well! Keep practicing until you're satisfied.^^
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I made it fun because you explained it nicely. It's a day off, so my kid asked me to make it with him, so I made it with him. He's so happy with what he made. 😆 Regin keeps failing to control her. It's all over the place.Hah! I promise to make it better next time.luggage I'm taking a picture, and they want me to take one of their pictures and upload it.;; Thanks to the fun class, I went out to the heat wave and I'm doing a home-cance workshop in a cool way. Next part class, I want to take it right now, but if I want to take a nap, I'll concentrate on it.😂
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I think it would have been more fun to make it with my children. It's also good for brain development for young people. Also, please check the safety precautions when you work!
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You explained it so easily that I enjoyed it! There are some blisters and mistakes on the way, but I believe they'll be better off in class:D
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I'm so glad you helped!! It feels different to have circular frame flowers around the border. I'm gonna have to do this next time.^^
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I made a key ring with flowers and pearls. I put my initials in it. I'm running a daycare center, and I'm going to put their initials in and make them one by one, so I did mine as a sample.~~
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Is there a non-face-to-face class after indirect contact through YouTube? That's what I thought. I happened to know class 101 by chance, and while listening to the lecture...It took a really short time to get a license, so I arrived today and I was very proud of it, but I was touched by it.After getting a certificate of resin art, I have courage to take online lectures from other craft associations and wait for the results of the certification examination.What I want to say here is that the careful consideration of small villages is so touching. There are plenty of ingredients for all classes and they offer discounts when you buy ingredients after you get a certificate.Other places say the same, but when I get a certificate, they send me only a certificate, but I was surprised that they sent me a small gift.It may be because the lack of ingredients kept contacting themselves and preparing hard, but in the small town, I couldn't explain it, but I felt that I was being considerate.Even when I sent the material, they texted me about the situation, including my written certificate. You can also learn various crafts through YouTube. Even if you don't prepare to start a business, you can make it as a gift to your acquaintances, teach your children as a hobby, and buy the ingredients from a small village site.As I obtained various craft certificates, I left a review that I felt the warmest way to manage students in a small village.Regin crafts can be combined with other crafts.I had so much fun while I was learning.Thank you! If there are any of you interested in resin crafts. I recommend a small town class!!!!
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