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클래스 스토리1871개의 글

I think I'm drawing too fast.^^;I guess it's because you're quick-tempered and want to draw a building quickly; in a hurry you've drawn a person so carelessly.^^;;
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AND Drawing
ID Fiona, it's nice to see your passionate appearance.!😍 Wow! You were amazed by this painting, too!!😱😱😱 You recreated it in a completely different way from the scenery of my river!😋 You said you drew a person with no sincerity...If you're saying this is insincere, how high-quality will it be later?😅 I really like the feeling of silhouette. You look like a fairy tale illustrator! Overall, the tree's grass, grass, shadow, and flower description are perfect!👍🏼 It's great that you let the concentration gradually fade as you go back to the hill on the right!👍🏼 Like you gave me the right hill density difference. I think it'd be nice if the tree on the left could make the green feel lighter. So that it feels like it's falling backwards. If the contrast between light and dark becomes weaker, the perspective will be better, right? The sky gradation looks smooth like silk. The signed location is too sensuous.😆 Fiona, debut as a writer and enter the class 101 creator!!!😍
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I drew this picture after reading the lecture~ This picture is so pretty~~~~~~~^ Even the meticulous comments always~~^
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AND Drawing
Oh? Didn't I draw this?😆😆😆 It's such a quality that you might misunderstand. Heeya, you didn't take a picture of me holding my sketchbook, did you? Hehehehe Wow, that's the sky cloud art!👍🏼 Actually, this is a bonus painting, so there's no explanation for the color. It could be difficult for you to proceed on your own, but you did so perfectly!👍🏼👍🏼 It's like a scene from a fairy tale.😍 Seeing what Heeya drew, what would you have done if you didn't include this as a bonus drawing!🥺🥺🥺 You know there's no feedback, right?^^ On the last day of 2019, I'm so happy to see your successful drawing and give you feedback. Heeya, thank you for choosing my lecture this year and listening to it hard.😌 Happy New Year! Will you post it again next year? 💘 (I'll be waiting for you)
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It's harder than I thought.^^
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AND Drawing
Nice to meet you, Sky! I can't believe it was harder than you thought 😭😭😭 I'll help you a lot from now on! Are you familiar with the ingredients? From what you've done, there's a sign that you've tried to carefully follow each one by one.😍 Overall, it looks like there's a lot of water. Too much water can smudge and make it a little difficult to shape.ㅜㅜ If it's the concentration of tea, make sure to wipe it off with a tissue and paint it! Now it's a color part, so it's very watery, so it doesn't have much effect on the painting. Later, when you paint a landscape or a delicate part...It can lead to an uncontrollable accident. I think it'll be better if you focus on drawing it so that there's not too much moisture when practicing.😙 Overall, the shades are good! The gradation level looks like the first coloration is the best. I think it's okay to have lighter parts for number 4, 5, and 10. I think 9 and 10 can come out a little more in the middle! Gradation is a difficult technique, but if you practice, you won't betray as much as you do. Even if it doesn't work out, don't be frustrated and try again!❤
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It's been a while since I posted it.~~~ I have to be diligent.The shadows and the waves that come at the front.ㅜㅜ
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