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클래스 스토리475개의 글

The two don't go up at once, so I put them up separately. The roof of the tile is more difficult than I thought.
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👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Young-woo It's so cool! The roof was so nice! The roof of the tile is important to draw at such an angle, but you did it very precisely! I brought a photo with less complicated roof tiles, so if you have a photo with a different shape, you can try it! You can search on the Internet and try it! If you have any questions, please try another picture.
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The angle's off. It looks a little awkward. It's hard to draw every time. Half of it looks small, so I drew it on one page.
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Hello, Youngwoo! As I told you before, I think you're really good at drawing neatly and neatly! I'm not good at drawing neatly, so I envy these people 🤭 They were so nice to me. You did a good job in the dark and harmonious colors.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 I think you've done better than me, but you've done better than me 😂 But if you're a little concerned about the angle, you can draw it straight like I did before you do the under sketch. (For your information, I drew it thickly.) The upper line of the column might feel a little awkward, but it looks like it's a good line. If you don't understand my explanation, please leave a comment. I'll tell you another way.
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I've seen a couple of videos, and I don't think they're for the entrance. First, when you sketch, you need to explain not just by yourself, but also by drawing a line, the location of the window, where you start, and how to put light and shade. I expected a detailed discussion that some parts of the light and shade can be painted weakly, darkly, and easily by simplifying them. Also, I was looking at the tree because there was no explanation for how to turn the pen and why to put the light and shade in like that. But you're the only one who can do it without explanation, and it's over and done, and you can't do it's over. And it's a shame that I used up one course to make a color pencil. I could just tell you two or three colors and move on. You need to be considerate of telling me the colors together, not the color pencil number. There are 3 sets of colored pencils so I didn't order the package. It's a color pencil from another brand. I'd like you to tell me the approximate name of the color. Are you drawing a lecture that hasn't been uploaded yet without explanation? I think you should pay attention to this part. I was interested in Urban Sketch and the color was so pretty that I applied for the class and waited for two months. I opened it and I was looking forward to it. This is a review of the basic lecture on pen and color pencils. Is it my own idea? I'd like to draw the picture that I bought from Seoilfe to postcards as much as I expected.
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댓글 5개 전체 보기
4. And that's the darkest part I've ever been in. I want you to describe that part as it's gradually moving from top to bottom. You can express the description to the shape of Albab's egg or continue using the number 8.
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* Surrounds are shaped like waves * Make the dark part a circle. circle.
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Oh, thank you. I think it would be better if you could explain the details of this video lecture together.
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Why do I feel like the more I practice, the worse I feel? ㅜㅜ But I'll try harder!
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