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클래스 스토리292개의 글

I watched the video first and followed it again, but it's harder for the flowers to move in my hands than I thought 😂 I think we need a lot of practice. It's a shame that I couldn't buy a variety of flowers because it was right before the deadline. Next time, I'll spend enough time and think about the topic and buy it well. Touching the flowers makes me feel so good and I hope that I can see the flowers even though they are pretty. One of the tips that you gave me was that you would put in a color flower to untie the color when the color clumps up, and I thought it was necessary during today's event. It was nice to have a sense of what it was like to have a filler or other role in personally. I'd like to imitate him better. Recalling the teachings~!!
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Glow flower
There's a lot of fine dust these days, but looking at Yoonjeong's flowers, my heart seems to be bright.^^ If you make a bouquet yourself, it'll be easier to understand because you can see it with your eyes. Please remember the things I'm going to teach you. When you make a work, you can use your senses to create your own atmosphere, right? Haha It's a lovely color that makes the height and height look good, so it doesn't have many flowers, but it doesn't look monotonous:) It must have been hard for you to figure out the shape of the bouquet, but you're so good at it! Next time, if you catch more flowers, you will have many other things to learn. Then have a nice day.^^
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I'm so excited:-) I'm already so happy!
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Glow flower
Thank you, Hee-jung. I'm working hard on the rest of the class:) I hope you have a fun and happy time designing with me. Haha
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I can't go shopping for flowers ㅜㅜ I put the 2 bouquets that I received on my birthday in a vase. My birthday is in December, so I'm so busy. It was before I took the class.ㅜㅜ There's a lot of room for improvement. ♡I tried to balance myself by making the shape of the flower basket, but it didn't look like I thought because the stems were short. I'd like to listen to it hard and make high-quality works.^^
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Glow flower
Happy belated birthday and wish you a lucky new year:) You didn't even take the class, so I compliment this passion!! Even though it's your first bouquet, you have a good sense. There are so many flowers that it looks quite voluminous, but it's a good shape! The flowers are full, and they certainly look rich and luxurious. Haha Next time, you'll find it interesting to choose flowers and design them yourself. Of course, I'll improve my skills. I feel encouraged to see your lovely bouquet since Monday morning.^^ YUN SEO, start your energetic Monday!
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😍 Wow - Thank you for your unexpected congratulations and compliments.^^ I'll work hard ♡
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I'm going to apply for a lecture and try my best from today!
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