찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

If you're in the office alone when you're working late, the security guard always worries and closes the door. I always admired the man who always smiled and complimented while managing parking and buildings in the dark basement. Even if I say it's okay, I appreciate your concern and concern, so I'm going to give you Ssanghwatang, so you refuse, and the man who tells me to finish work quickly at that time and get off work... Cheap fake flowers, wrapped in humble hand towels, flicked a yellow rubber band, I brought it to the dark basement on my way home from work. It was the first day I thought men liked flowers. I was touched by the girl sentiment of the man who even took a picture, saying that he received warm Ssanghwatang and warm heart. I thought I'd get you some real flowers after class.^^
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