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클래스 스토리2866개의 글

Hello • When did you start taking pictures? There was a photo class in college, and it was a class that I really enjoyed. I bought a camera for the first time and started taking pictures with me all the time, but now I have a photograph as a profession. • What kind of pictures do you like? I like pictures that have a good feeling. When I look at the picture, I can see the person's own style, including the perspective, composition, and expression of the photographer. I think it's a valuable picture if there's any emotion in the picture. I like pictures that are not ordinary and have a good feeling. • How did you come to listen to this class? I learned the beauty of the film while taking pictures only digitally. I didn't have a film camera, so I tried to make it look like a candidate, but I couldn't help but get a limit. I'll definitely try the film next year! I made a resolution, and I was thinking about where to start, what camera to use, and what kind of situation to use the film, and when I heard that Hyerim, my favorite writer, would give a lecture on Instagram, I quickly applied.^^ • Which part of this class are you most looking forward to? If you've never seen a film camera before, there are many things you're curious about, but it's all on the list, so I'm looking forward to everything new. • Do you have any objectives that you want to achieve in your class? I want to be a person who can take commercial and snap pictures after I finish the lecture. After that, I would like to have an exhibition with pictures taken with film photographs and publish a photo book:) The picture above is a picture of me working with my close younger brother on the theme of 'Fairy Tale.' It's a nice day, and our photos came out well, so if you look at it, it lasts for a long time.
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I'm sure each of you have different thoughts, but there's something missing about the lecture. Hyerim's know-how? How to take pictures? These parts seem to be just explained. I feel a bit sad. The actual lecture? I did this in real life, and I use this kind of exposure here. It would have been more meaningful if there were parts like this, but it's a shame to hear just the explanation. Still, I liked how to use a filter to make colors because it was such a great tip.
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댓글 2개 전체 보기
Me, too. I'm sorry for the amount. It's almost as if you've given me the technical details.
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I see you all do.fi
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Me too... I'm sorry about the practical part. It feels like I'm catching a floating cloud. In fact, when I took it with this setting, the result was like this. This is a mistake that many people make. I expected something real, such as taking it like this, but there was nothing like that. It's a waste of money because there are so many things I can know even if I don't have to listen to Shin Hye Rim's lecture.
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I want to take a picture that reminds me of good moments.
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I want to capture the little things that are easy to pass by.
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