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클래스 스토리5024개의 글

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[Ready in] You come in expecting a story that the overall content of a novel can be found through a compressed title. It seems that there are quite a few cases where you are attracted by a nice illustration cover. [Return / Ice / Reincarnation] When the protagonist ends his or her life in an accident, he or she becomes possessed or reincarnated by a novel or game character, After unfair death, the story often progresses while returning. It seems that there are many readers who are cliché who give various fun in web novel works, and at the same time welcome works that do not have these elements. [Background] Even though the fantasy world view was not real, the overall background of the time is often set in the Middle Ages. Identity society is mainly dealt with. At this time, readers were more satisfied with the work that was well documented in the Middle Ages. [Character] Most of the main characters are aristocrats or higher, and they have all the power, wealth, and ability. Fantasy literally reflects many of the readers' ideal types in the characters in the work. So even if you draw a medieval social status in the background of the novel, The characters in it prefer to have modern enterprising and open tendencies, and in the opposite case, readers are very disappointed. [Sentences and Flows] In general, the sentence is short and concise. And no matter how interesting it is, readers feel very uncomfortable when it becomes less readable. It is mainly focused on events, and the longer the character's monologue or explanation, the more readers dislike it. The main character's crisis is short and intense, and readers dislike it if the sweet potato section is too long. And it makes you drink Sprite very cool inside. If it is not as pleasant as expected, readers will be disappointed.
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Very good. You just have to organize it like this. However, from now on, perform your assignment with works of the same code as the ones you want to write.
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크리에이터가 고정함
1. Main character They return because they are doomed, their lives are hard, they fail, they are in an accident, or they die. Most of them are poor when they return, and even though they were good at studying or talented, they give up their dreams because of their family circumstances. Parents get sick because of poverty or die in the indifference of the main character. 2. Deployment Shortly after the main character returns to his regression career, he seems to have a tremendous talent, which solves everything like a munchkin. Knowing the future, the main character succeeds in the chances that he has failed or missed. I always take care of my family. To the people around you (in places like work or school) Be recognized. 3. Supporting actor Revenge or water a person who has been associated with bad relations in the past. Those who were rivals in the past or had little relationship with each other become helpers in this life. Other than family members, there are people who unconditionally support or help the main character.
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It's very good. It will be very helpful if you organize your handwriting notes in this way.
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크리에이터가 고정함
1. Main character/supporter The main character in the beginning looks normal, but as the story progresses, unexpectedness is found, and the people around him are attracted to it. For example, if you are possessed by a villain in ice water, people gather around you because of your previous notoriety and different appearance, which leads to a big story. Some use the main character's ability or find another job that they never thought of. In some cases, characters who are not the main characters are more popular. In the case of these characters, they don't appear often and appear intermittently, which seems to make readers more anxious. 2. Content Episodes 1 and 2 mostly begin as fatal events for regression/icing/reincarnation, and the last recognizes that after regression/ice/reincarnation, it is indeed the situation in which it is in itself. Since then, the main character usually solves the case pleasantly using the situation/book contents that he/she knew in the first episode, and the surrounding characters find out something different or different from the past and fall into the main character's charm. 3. Personality and Sentences In the case of using the first person's perspective and showing the unexpected appearance of the main character, the person may use the other person's perspective. A sentence is a concise composition with few modifiers. It seems to reduce descriptions that are likely to get boring by using game windows, grades, and titles to make them easier to read.
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Very good. When you organize your notes from now on, it will be helpful to organize them like this. It will be more helpful to set up categories with your mind on what you need.
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크리에이터가 고정함
30 Regression (Naver) The 100 people, including the main characters, are defeated in the final war and only 29 survive. The leader of the death squad uses time regression to send the 29 survivors back to the past. In the next life, we aim to win the war. However, the rotating solidarity is random. The protagonist who lost the woman he loved goes back to his teens.The past that is different from the past that you remember unfolds.
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