찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

The main character I read clearly shows his goal from the beginning, and the process of achieving that goal is always straightforward and dynamic. In the process, the main character usually achieves his goal without any disruption and continues to the end of the story, just like his early personality like a boy cartoon. And works with game elements clearly show the difference in ability (skill) with Villain by quantifying the strength of the main character. Perhaps because of that, there is no one who can be called a rival among the characters who have the same position as the main character, and it is likely that the villain is the only one who always has a counter- Regression/reincarnation/ice knows everything that's going to happen, so not only do you physically press your opponent down, but you can also make the political situation happen as you wish, so that you can convey your feeling of exhilaration in a scene that is satisfying to you.
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