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(Mission) Work with regression code characteristics 1. Configuration - Extremely desperate situations, having to give up life, or extremely material and socially affluent situations (i.e., before the session, which is good to show when you return to work). It's a good way or a bad way. - In the first and fifth episodes, the main character's pre-session description, the moment of regression, and even the contents of the regression will be developed. - When returning to a regression situation, the main character quickly identifies the current situation and develops a new life. (There is no boredom in the development.) 2. Main character - Before and after regression, personality and tendencies change a lot. - He/she is active in overcoming mistakes, mistakes, and failures that he/she has made before. - Regression, knowledge of past events in advance and actively utilize them in the direction of their own advantage. 3. Regression point - Extreme situations (Episode 1 - 5, Beginning - Deployment - Crisis - [Climinal] - When tension is maximized at the peak of the end) 4. Other Features - After regression, there is a helper around - In some cases, there are assistants who notice the regression. - setting up a person who used to be unfriendly in the past to be friendly - There is a situation in which a former rival is confronted again after regression.
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