찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

What to see in case of an emergency 1. Look at the one-year data of the category to see if the market for the category continues to grow. 2. Check if the characteristics of the category are consistent like seasonal products. If it is not consistent, consider operating it considering the characteristics of the category. 3. Be careful because the sudden running of traffic on the search volume is a temporary increase in broadcasting or advertising on that day. Let's not be misled. 4. Choose keywords related to products from Naver Shopping, Naver Integration Search, Google, and Naver Advertisements to create your own detailed product keywords by selecting keywords with high search count but low competitive strength (excluding brand keywords). It will analyze competitive strength by identifying trends, trends, and demands of categories over a year and selecting keywords. The lower the better. There is nothing to worry about since it is possible to sell products by using detailed keywords even if it is a red ocean keyword. Keep track of your search and competitive strength! Even if I can't, I think I'll have to do a product survey of 20 top categories. I'll do it right away. *For shower stands, all the detailed keywords are highly competitive. crying
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