찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

1 answer : joint parenting, feminism and several colleagues to study in graduate school of union members, some moms to share the issue. I am thinking about how to breakthrough in the current situation, where I am a patriarchal assistant, and focusing on the problems I face while raising children with co-parenting members. Discuss with the people we meet at school what we can do and what productive discussions we can lead to. Answer 2. There will be a lot of content, but through the recent "Captain Marvel" and "Terminator Dark Fate," I found that action movies that do not target women can be accepted without resistance. Don't like a genre so far, not objectification of women in any genre, along and knew they were able to enjoy this if you escape.Feminism with public service also think about the kind of movie. (In this regard, I also realized the fundamental problems of content that I have felt uncomfortable with.)
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