찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Q1. Meaning of Ice in the Movie - I think it represented all the women in the army. From mother to grandmother to ex-girlfriend of husband, Kim Ji-young is thought to be an individual and all-female character. Even if all women don't feel empathy for Kim Ji-young, they must have experienced some parts of it once. Q2. What virtues do you force? - The disappearance of existence > Kim Ji-young (not 00's wife, 00's mother and daughter-in-law). a passive and submissive attitude to accept such a situation without resistance Q3. Analysis of causes of rebound column reorganization I think it's part of a witch hunt. In order to prevent the cracks in the society enjoyed by men, they may be trying to filter out impurities, which are the causes of the cracks integrated into >Kim Ji-young>.
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