찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Start to organize your thoughts My thoughts are organized before - I can't concentrate on what I'm doing now, and I keep having different thoughts. Despite much thought, it was not organized and soon became a misconception. While I am studying, I fall into thoughts about how to study. And I am thinking about other subjects to study. He is obsessed with worries and just jumps in. So it just feels like I'm drowning. Just as he jumped into the water without knowing how to swim, he was only thinking about it when he couldn't organize his thoughts. While reading a lot of books, the writings were simply volatile. I was just burning my time satisfied with the way I was reading. I want to organize my thoughts and take care of my surroundings by taking care of myself. What topic would you like to organize your thoughts? -I want to organize my thoughts on how to live in the future. Many things have happened this year, and life has changed. No one knows when and how another virus will hit and change, but it's time to live with tension. I want to take a thought-cleaning skill class and get out of the haze. I want to take the lead in leading the people around me with a more clear idea. I want to be able to communicate various knowledge.
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