찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리3040개의 글

Thank you for the theory of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines! This is a real question. When taking pictures of buildings/scapes, distortion often occurs due to the location (mainly below) of the subject or the nature of the lens. When that happens, I try to get as straight as I can and then I try to get it straight through calibration, and then I get too much cut off, and yet it doesn't fit vertically. How do I take it in the first place to prevent this? (If you're not a professional photographer, it's not easy to be in a good position to take pictures (=because buildings and landscapes are usually higher than me) And does using wide-angle lenses make this problem better?
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This is Melmel. ☺ and that's a great question. Impressed... we're going to talk about the distortion, which is exactly 4-3. As they say, distortion can be divided into 1) perspective distortion and 2) lens distortion. In the case of distortion of perspective, the photographer repositioned or climbed high, and the tilt shift lens were the two solutions. There is a slight difference in the distortion of the lens, but any lens can't be helped because it causes distortion. As distortion increases as you go to the edge of the screen, it is recommended to make a lot of space between the top and bottom of the subject and left and right. If you have a lot of space, you can crop later. Fortunately, distortion of perspective and distortion of lens can be adjusted to some extent as a candidate. I'll talk about it again at 4-3.
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Like you, I like to take pictures of water movements when I travel, and I like to the beach. When I have to stay at home like these days, I take a lot of pictures of flowers. Close-up of the flowers, and I like to see the pulse of the petals!
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댓글 3개 전체 보기
I love the picture!!!
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Wow, where did you take this from? Do you think he's using a drone?
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We have corrected it to mobile light room. I changed the sky, swimming pool water, and tile walls to a brighter and cooler color, and tried to create a summer atmosphere by adjusting the overall white balance to a warmer color! It's amazing that just one color can change the feeling of ordinary pictures. When I touched this and that on my own before, I had no idea that each color could be adjusted, which is a very useful tip. Thank you so much.
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댓글 1개 전체 보기
It's a melmell. The picture looks completely different. The ability to adjust each color really depends on the atmosphere of the picture! ✨👀
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Wow, that's an honor 😆 Yes, thank you!
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I like pictures that are natural and warm in Melmel's natural light, but when I take pictures, there is no sunlight all the time, so I always wondered how I could take pictures that seemed natural! My goal is to learn about Melmel's various know-how and get the answers I was looking for through the lecture:)
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