찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

It's been almost 10 months since I got to know the terms of Google Sprint, Lean Startup, and MVP. I'm a UX designer who creates new products and looks for new business possibilities, and I often get confused. What is UX in Linstartup? How long does it mean to change quickly and quickly to market? The biggest trap for Junior seems to be that he has no idea how relativistic of 'comparative speed' is. Maybe it's because I've never done anything long before? I've been reading and studying about Lyn UX, Lyn Startup and Lynn Analytics, but I don't know how much user research can be done within this process. As I work, I don't think there's time for a long user survey in Linstartup. What am I thinking wrong and missing? More specifically, I would like to say that UX is the user-centered, so it's the user-centered observation that I don't believe in the project's theory. So I think we need to spend more time and effort on user research and verify the hypothesis to define the problem and dare to think about solutions. On the other hand, LinUX of Linstatup seems to be built first, relying on project members' instinctive or intuitive senses," said the company, considering that there is no main business or production. It doesn't sound bad to make it first and then verify it. But in this case, I think we're delaying the verification of the user after the product launch. I don't know what I'm getting wrong. It's like a typical UX process fighting the lean method. Maybe it's wrong to compare them. It seems like you're completely overlooking something. Can you tell me what I'm missing when I'm in a mess?
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