찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Problem: People have difficulty solving psychological problems or difficulties. 1. What problem are you trying to solve? People can't talk to people around them about their psychological problems and worry about themselves. 2. Who is the user? Everyone in the world. -> A person who lacks experience in telling the people around him or her, who cannot bring the topic of conversation to the side of the teens, the 40s and 50s, etc. Different ages) 3. Why do users feel uncomfortable and what needs do they have? -> Consider that psychological counseling can cause social stigma (so all existing psychological counseling is anonymous) I want to talk about mental problems with someone who really cares about me. I want to be respected and kept secret when I talk about my worries. I want to be more protected among the people close to me. 4. How are users currently solving the problem? -> 1. Thinking alone. (Reading books, searching the Internet, etc.) -> 2. Talk to family or friends (using KakaoTalk, Facebook, DM, etc.) -> 3. Use psychological counseling services (free of charge)-Anonymous, mind app, mind cafe, trot, etc. -> 4. Find a psychologist. 5. What is the biggest challenge to solve the problem? The fear of social stigma. -> Lack of psychological capacity to proactively address concerns -> Fear of taking words out of itself -> Negative energy of counseling (it is important to ensure that the end of the counseling is a pleasure-to maintain the tension)
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