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클래스 스토리21762개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
GM Kim
✅ (Must Read) Writing Challenge for Just 5 Days 🗓 ️ period 4/15 (Mon) ~4/19 (Fri) - Just 5 days 📍 How to apply 1. Apply for a challenge from the link below https://client-eye.com/challenges/22 Stop delaying it any longer, notice anyone who wants to do it right away! 😎Make a habit in 5 days and learn [Key tips for successful brand blogs]. 🎁If you succeed in just 5 days, you will get 2 gifts! 1. [Ebook used in paid lecture classes] 2. Invitation tickets for the "Top 8 Exposed Formulas" class, which are directly taught by the staff
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크리에이터가 고정함
GM Kim
I would like to give you live special lectures regularly and share the love I have received so far. If you want to listen to Team Leader Kim's Live, which is held for free every month, please receive related information in the group chat room below right now. https://open.kakao.com/o/g2zW6ZOf
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Has the contents of the next lecture, such as setting up a profile, disappeared?
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크리에이터가 고정함
GM Kim
✅ (Must Read) Writing Challenge for Just 5 Days 🗓 ️ period 4/15 (Mon) ~4/19 (Fri) - Just 5 days 📍 How to apply 1. Apply for a challenge from the link below https://client-eye.com/challenges/22 Stop delaying it any longer, notice anyone who wants to do it right away! 😎Make a habit in 5 days and learn [Key tips for successful brand blogs]. 🎁If you succeed in just 5 days, you will get 2 gifts! 1. [Ebook used in paid lecture classes] 2. Invitation tickets for the "Top 8 Exposed Formulas" class, which are directly taught by the staff
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크리에이터가 고정함
GM Kim
✅ (Must Read) Writing Challenge for Just 5 Days 🗓 ️ period 4/15 (Mon) ~4/19 (Fri) - Just 5 days 📍 How to apply 1. Apply for a challenge from the link below https://client-eye.com/challenges/22 Stop delaying it any longer, notice anyone who wants to do it right away! 😎Make a habit in 5 days and learn [Key tips for successful brand blogs]. 🎁If you succeed in just 5 days, you will get 2 gifts! 1. [Ebook used in paid lecture classes] 2. Invitation tickets for the "Top 8 Exposed Formulas" class, which are directly taught by the staff
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