찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Blog Index-You'll need constant effort and time. Keyword Repeat-At the beginning of the title, repeat 5 to 6 times based on 3000 characters, if repeated excessively, it can be perceived as advertisable. Writing time-1Hour actual activity time is important, and copying of all articles is prohibited. Photograph-It varies from category to category, but more than three to four. Title-Title that draws attention so that the click rate does not fall on other articles Time of stay & pageview-Important initial configuration for the first 15 seconds, good link attachment that can lead to other writing Recent articles-blogs with similar indices-the more recent articles you write, the higher the exposure. Diagnostic, crank-Continuous preparation of professional writing in consistent fields, and increased dwell time for inflows It won't be easy, but it was the honey river!
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