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[CC2021 Version] The Create Polygon window has been replaced Hello, everyone! It's Dooey. Yup. With the new update of Photoshop to CC2021, the window for making polygons has changed. If you are using the CC2021 version, please set it up as below when using the Polygon Creation function! There's nothing different about the version up to CC2020, so you can just follow the lecture. - 12% of existing 'side indent' = 88% of changed 'by- : The existing 'side indentation criteria' item has been renamed 'by star rate'. You don't have to touch anything in the check box, or you can write 88% in the 'Star Rate' section! - Added corner radius. : If you want to make a sharp decoration like the example, please set the same width = height = Width = corner radius! Or, just like the picture I attached above, you can make the corner radius zero. * Please refer to class announcements for other major changes!
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