찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

<Before class starts, FAQ> Q. What is the difference between Photoshop CC version and CS version? A. CS stands for Creative Suite, which means it can be carried and used anywhere. In the past, if you purchase the CS version of Photoshop, you could keep the program and install and use it as you want. However, since a few years ago, Adobe, a company that develops and sells Photoshop, has changed its sales method to use the program at a monthly fee. Photoshop has also become a kind of subscription service such as Netflix and music services. Photoshop sold in this way is called the Creative Cloud (CC) version. Unlike the CC version, which is updated every year, the CS version does not update its functions after launch. Therefore, there are many functions that are different from the latest version or are missing in the CS version. You can check the contents of the class that are difficult to digest in the CS version through this lecture video and class note. Q. Will this lecture help you get a Photoshop license or get a job? A. This class is designed to properly understand and even learn applications of tools that are frequently used in practice. Since the class is organized with techniques used in actual practice, it is helpful in practice such as employment in terms of skills. However, in the case of GTQ, a photoshop certificate, it may be difficult to obtain a first-degree GTQ (Photo Shop Certificate) only with this class alone. In order to get the first grade of GTQ, you need to practice quickly applying the given tool within time. Of course, it can be much easier if you study design and learn the principles with me. However, in order to obtain qualifications, you must practice solving problems in preparation for the test.
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