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클래스 스토리9632개의 글

I think there's a big difference between seeing it with your eyes and actually doing it.ᅲᅲᅲ When I watch the video, gradation looks easy, and it looks easy to fill in the color and apply it in a narrow and clear way, but it's just a lump.🤦🏻‍♀️ I'll practice while watching the video. I'll follow you.
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댓글 2개 전체 보기
Didn't you put on a masking tape and take it off? You did a great job. ㅠㅠ
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I love the perfect squares! This looks sooo beautiful and carefully made.
Hello, romiya! We are class 101. Thank you so much for loving Doo-im's class. To introduce and recommend classes to more people, I would like to use this photo and some of the comments. We will upload your nickname, registration date, and any personal information you will find! If you're curious about how it's reflected or don't want to be exposed, please let us know through the link to Class 101 and we'll help you with the quick action. Thank you so much for writing such a sincere review.
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Mr. Tofu, isn't the class so much fun? Mr. Diason, who makes me into a golden hand in a flash? But the eyes you showed me as an example, I feel like I'm going to the mountains after you. Maybe it's because I'm impatient... Practicing and applying! I looked at the picture and drew it with I think I need to practice more because the hair texture isn't natural! I'm going to take the next class again saying that this class is so much fun...! 👍
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Wow, it's already applied! It's so shiny.✨ The expressions I showed you are the most basic, and they are not complete! The most important thing is to be able to use those expressions.👍🏻 Since you practiced and applied the basics, the mission is already 1000% complete! You did a great job.❤
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Hello, Juni! This is class 101. Thank you so much for loving Doo-im's class. To introduce and recommend classes to more people, I would like to use this photo and some of the comments. We will upload your nickname, registration date, and any personal information you will find! If you're curious about how it's reflected or don't want to be exposed, please let us know through the link to Class 101 and we'll help you with the quick action. Thank you so much for writing such a sincere review.
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Let's practice with another material! This one. This one's good.😁 It's supposed to be lighter than it really is, so you can see it better. I actually sketch lightly. Is it not good for coloring if I draw it too light?
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The angle expression and features are all well aligned at the angle, so it's very natural! I think you're making good use of the basic ratio.☺☺ If you learn this ratio well, you'll be able to see anything, whether it's a picture or a picture, and you'll be able to express it well.❣ And it's best to hold the sketch line so that I can recognize it well! If the sketch line is too dark, it can interfere with the coloring and description process, so if you can fully recognize it, keep it at this level.✨
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I graduated from the department of fashion design and am doing a completely different job. I think it's a time when I think a lot about whether I should continue what I'm doing and what I want to do. To look back on me who lived hard while listening to Tofu's class and to find out what I want to do while drawing again:-) I will listen to it hard!
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