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Blizzard Activities / Business Models: Game Development and Publishing and Second Product Sales Retention Period: November 2018 - August 2022 (approximately 4 years) Evidence1. Diablo 3 mobile version (immortal) issues announced by BlizzCon in November 2018 gave Diablo 4 production announcements a slight recovery, but the recent stock price increase was not a factor in Blizzard Activity's rise in FPS game market share. Evidence 2. Although it is doubtful whether Diablo 3 mobile version will regain the old reputation of Diablo franchises as early start-up members have left the company after being criticized for being subcontracted by Chinese companies, Google search shows that users' curiosity or expectations such as the launch date of Diablo 3 Mobile Immortal have been formed and expected to succeed in the mobile game market. Evidence 3. Corona 19 is driving home users to see a surge in game and alcohol consumption, which can be expected to be accompanied by PC and console hardware companies (Nvidia/AMD/Intel) and, in the long run, by console/hardware-based companies, and by new gaming software. Conclusion: Although Blizzard Activision has lost its identity, it will continue to rise steadily based on strong franchise products, plans to increase profitability through additional purchases before the release date of Diablo 3, and will sell the entire stock at a time when Diablo 4 will be on the rise in April 2022.
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